
Dear Mr Taylor, In a year that has seen Team GB take honour, glory and prestige from our superb arrangements for and performance in, the London Olympic Games, I congratulate you on winning the Darts World Championship. As a 53 year old, it shows that there are some games where age isn’t a bar to international success. I use the word “game” advisedly. I am afraid that darts is just that. A game. It is not a sport. And while I applaud your competitiveness and bulldog spirit, I do think that the media coverage of the darts world championship is just a damp squib after the fireworks of the most successful Olympic Games in history in London last year. At those Olympic Games we saw the finest honed, trained athletes at the top of their game stretching their sinews to be the best in the...
Hello to all of you who visit regularly and to all new readers. Can I first say congratulations to all at Chelsea FC for the win today - the first for me in the Premier League since I took charge of the 'Blues ' bench and the second of the week with the Champions League match this past Wednesday. From the moment I accepted the offer to join Chelsea, my team and I have worked towards improving the results and getting the wins that we all want - no matter what hours we have to put in and the effort and sacrifice in order to achieve this. That said, you should understand that is the first time since the announcement of my engagement with Chelsea that I have had time to write but I am taking the time just before boarding the flight that will take us to Japan, I decided...
I am writing to you, an innovative coach or trainer of elite athletes, concerning a revolutionary new exercise system – the Rowperfect Indoor Sculler Rowing simulator. Rowperfect's have been the secret weapon in the training regime of many World and Olympic champion rowers over the past ten years, and it is now being manufactured in Australia, by an Australian company. Would you like your athletes to have better balance, better endurance, better strength (including core strength) and better all-round coordination? Would you like them to recover faster from leg injuries, particularly knee injuries? And would you be interested in an exercise system which minimized the number of cycles on those same legs while allowing them to maintain aerobic fitness between games...
