
When I drive away from my mother's house, my heart wrenches, because I'm leaving her. It's not just leaving her, it's leaving who I am with her, the things that we could've done and what I might miss. I know that if I stay my heart will only pull me in another direction, I am my own home and missing the perception of home that I've built in the people I love. I keep reading about people dying, people fighting, people hurting and I know that I am not capable of helping or dealing with the helplessness of knowing that my help would not be useful. People change people. I've done things that I'm not proud of. I've changed in tiny ways that you would consider hard if you didn't know the reason and I try not to let my personal perceptions affect the way I view people, but even I...
Subject: To Gawker's irresponsible reporter, Melissa Cronin From: Leslie Griffin- Someone who actually checks facts and bothers to look up stuff... Date: 31 Mar 2016 Dear Gawker's lazy reporter, Melissa Cronin, On 11/28/2015, you published "Donald Trump Rally Features Circus Elephant Owned by Man Who Was Repeatedly Arrested for Animal Cruelty". In the article (or whatever this was supposed to be), you make a pile of statements and allegations of wrongdoing, but you failed to bother to actually look up the facts before you wrote your gossip piece. Your OWN link to "Documents show" goes here: http://www.elephant.se/database2.php?elephant_id=698 This is one of many FACTS that prove that Topsy the elephant did not have TB; and people like you keep taking the cheap shots in trying...
I am an American citizen. I have many Muslim friends who are also American. I also have Mexican friends who are law abiding citizens like you and me. Donald Trump said that Mexico sends rapists here. He says that the neighborhoods my Muslim friends live in, must be policed. And Muslims should be banned from entering the U.S. Is it fair to them and other minorities in the U.S. to be targeted and victimized? He has also been brazen enough to say that mosques should be shut down or watched. Would this have ever been said about Churches? How can my friends feel safe in this country? How can they not feel discriminated against? They already live every single day of their lives in despair that their religion has been hijacked by terrorists. They are being made to pay the price for the...
I am an American citizen. I have many Muslim friends who are also American. I also have Mexican friends who are law abiding citizens like you and me. Donald Trump said that Mexico sends rapists here. He says that the neighborhoods my Muslim friends live in, must be policed. And Muslims should be banned from entering the U.S. Is it fair to them and other minorities in the U.S. to be targeted and victimized? He has also been brazen enough to say that mosques should be shut down or watched. Would this have ever been said about Churches? How can my friends feel safe in this country? Why would they not feel discriminated against? They already live every single day of their lives in despair, that their religion has been hijacked by terrorists. They are being made to pay the price for the...
When you go to this web site you will find a letter written to FBI Director Mueller that was sent along with a video and audio exposing a $1B smuggling ring operated by a Bush family member (Jeb) and a corrupt FBI agent named Terry Nelson (now retired with $20 million of homes in Florida and Montreal) http://www.realscam.com/f16/canadas-pm-stephen-harper-using-hackers-conceal-his-cover-up-43-million-fraud-subversion-refugee-claim-4293/ When you go to the Ontario Court of Appeals and read all five pages of this letter you will see that a copy was sent to "Senator Hillary Clinton" since about 20 tons of cocaine were coming into upstate New York from Quebec near Chapeau Airfield. The package was sent by FEDEX and the good archives people confirm that Hillary's office signed receipt of...
I listened to Tommy Robinson speak to Ian Collins on 23/03/2016 to discuss Muslims and, more specifically, the prophet Mohammed. While I appreciate that he is going out of his way to make it clear he isn’t tarring all Muslims with the same brush. I still disagree with his logic. Picking up on specific details, such as those that he did, could make any religion sound the way he is making Islam sound. There are some utterly bizarre teachings in the bible. For example, there is an instance when Elijah is ridiculed by children for being bald, so he unleashed two bears to kill forty two children. I do not think this proves anything. We could debate the specifics endlessly, but the one thing we all agree on is that we want this to stop. If it were true that Islam itself is the reason and...
[FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION: Emory University; President Wagner; Atlanta Journal Constitution; Emory Wheel.] How Emory has changed. Once a world-renowned university that attracted scholars from across the globe, a university that encouraged diverse intellectual pursuits, Emory has apparently become a day-care where children must be shielded from “bad thoughts” lest their feelings be harmed. And the administration has officially endorsed this shift. We are writing not to highlight the absurdity of those who believe they are physically harmed by encountering political speech with which they disagree, as this is, or should be, clear to any observer. Instead, we are writing to express our disappointment with the recent actions of the Emory administration. For the first time, we are...
Madame Secretary, I am an American millennial. I have seen you and your husband rise to the top of the power structure. Over that time, The Fifth Estate was born and matured. It is my generation's ultimate medium of communication, and something your Corporatist/Plutocratic benefactors have underestimated. Truth, albeit susceptible to subjective filtering/media spin, is now freely examined and disseminated. You cannot buy, lie, cheat, double-talk, or plagiarize your way around it. This is why your gender is NOT your ace card, why your lifetime of honing manipulation will fail you. America IS ready for a woman President. But that time is not now and that woman is not a career opportunist, profiteer, or liar. This coincides with the rise of Senator Sanders into the...
One of the big reasons you guys don’t want marijuana to be legalized is because ‘it’s dangerous’. You that are against it say that it is harmful and damaging. You say it screws with perception and coordination when in reality when you’re high, you’re actually more aware of things. People who drive drunk get in accidents. People who drive high on marijuana don’t because they are aware of their impairment and compensate for it accordingly, like by slowing down and focusing their attention when they know a response will be required. Potheads are not reckless people. Drunkards are. And because the War on Drugs exists and weed is illegal and alcohol isn’t, you just assume that it’s worse. As far as it being dangerous, that’s just not true. One of the only arguments I could see you...
Our children are simply not going to be prepared for the world we are handing them if we keep heading in the direction we are in. It’s a two-fold reason. 1.We shelter them from so much. Do you remember our childhoods when we disappeared into the woods for hours only to emerge at dinner time? Wasn’t that an awesome experience?? But because of the state of our minds these days we collectively shield them from all the negativity out there in the world. And even with our most intimate family struggles we don’t tell them what’s happening and the authentic reasons why. We want to protect and preserve their innocence of not knowing what we know. This does not serve them for their own growth and understanding of how the family dynamic can work with positive outcomes (whatever they may be) so...
