
This letter is not written with the intent that you will receive these words and feel anything. Although I’m certain you will eventually read these words and know I’m talking to you, this letter has very little to do with you. You see, the window of time for any difference to be made in this situation has closed and I’m not willing to waste anymore of my time focused on you. This letter is more written in an effort to reach anyone who may be questioning their self-worth, convinced they deserve how they are being treated. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear, so if somehow my words can give someone hope, then maybe they can overcome their fear and walk away. I want it to be known that there is ALWAYS hope. It is true that every single day the sun sets, filling the world with darkness-...
As odd as it may sound, Thank you for not showing up to doctor appointments. Thank you for replying to a positive pregnancy test with “you need to leave”. Thank you for making me do this on my own. Because of you, I have truly earned this Mother’s Day- and every one after. Thank you for giving me no other choice but to be strong; because of you, I will raise our daughters to be nothing less. I am not being petty at all when I say that I honestly appreciate all of that journey you sent us on. I will forever be grateful for the lessons I’ve learned though being your children’s mother. Despite how you feel about me, I hope one day you can think of Mother’s Day without rolling your eyes because I have already forgiven you.. I hope soon you will too. Thank you for giving me the very...
This is my apology letter to my second child. I have loved you from the very moment I saw those two blue lines. I won't deny the fear and worry that also ran through my mind. 'How would I manage with another child when your brother needs so much of my time', 'could I give you all of the love attention you would need', 'how I will I share my time with you, when your brother is in hospital'. Those were just a few of the countless thoughts running wild in my mind throughout my pregnancy. I'm sorry I spent the majority of that time filled with fear instead of excitement. When you were born I spent 2 days in hospital just so I could get some me and you time. So we didn't lose that precious bonding time. I knew as soon as I got home, your brother would need so much of my attention. I...
You're familiar with my strengths and weaknesses, and you always encourage me to pursue them. You're honest with me. And you know the difference between the times when I need you to be straight forward with me and the times when I need a delicate reminder to get it together. You never hesitate to call me out when I need a little attitude adjustment, and you never let me get down on myself without a little word of encouragement. But that's only one of the ways you make me a better version of myself. When I'm feeling unconfident, you are quick to remind me of my strengths, and very quickly you pull me out of my pity parties. You offer me a safe place to come to when I'm struggling and don't know where to turn. You scold me, sure, if that's what I need-- I mean you are still a "mom"...
Hello There, You constantly pester me asking ‘’ When are you getting married?’’ What I want to shot back with is ‘’ Excuse me, why do you even think it’s your business???’’. But I can’t say that. If I do, the image I’ve depicted in everybody’s mind is going to get tarnished. That nice, soft spoken, kind girl who wears her big smile 24/7, can’t be snappy at anybody even in the times she’s faking it! So I have to be nice and give you response that you’ll accept. How unfair life is? If I’m not nosy about your personal affairs, why can’t you leave me alone? Let me tell you, why am I not married yet. It’s because I haven’t met ( or met but for some reason we had to be aprt) that person, whom I want to spend the rest of my life with, whom I want to grow older with, who I can’t live without...
You left him. You let him know that you were abandoning your family via text. You didn't even have the courage and respect to tell him face to face that you were leaving, that you had spent time planning your exit and had set yourself up in a new home and that you were bailing on him. Everyone in your circle knew, including your children, but you didn't have the respect to tell him, your partner, your husband. The one person who should have known first, before anyone else was brought into your plan of departure. He thought you were out walking the dog. But you were leaving him and the life that you built with him. And now, now that he is moving on and has found a woman who truly loves him and wants to build a life with him, you are upset. I understand the heartache first hand...
I’m driving to work after dropping by daughter off at school, and I am sobbing uncontrollably. I am so overwhelmed, exhausted, sad, lonely and stressed. And I cannot think of a single person I can call. I can’t call anyone because I am a people-pleasing, type A over-achiever who has spent her life trying to appear perfect, strong, independent and therefore rarely lets anyone in. I am also rarely honest about how I really feel unless I am at a point of complete distress. I don’t want anyone to know that I am not coping, that I am not in control, that I am weak in any way. I’m already late, because I’m always running late. I live in the opposite direction of my daughters school, and I drive backwards to get her there, and then battle terrible traffic for an hour and a half to get to...
Dear "parents", Yes. You read that correctly. I use the term parents loosely. I grew up watching all the other kids around me with at least one parent who cared. I got to watch the other kids parents get them on and off the bus, take them to dances and events, cheer them on at sporting events, always smiling and laughing. The whole nine. You guys were so caught up in yourselves that you didn't notice anything going on with me...good or bad. I don't remember you happily going to my soccer games, no one showed up for my academic awards ceremonies, I was by myself all 17 times I won an award or medal for soccer. No one noticed when I was starving myself or went missing. Nothing. Instead of taking care of the life you made, one of you found a new and improved family while the other...
Dear President Trump, In this book the crucible ,it was about some young girls who were dancing in the woods and got caught for their sins. This book basically lead me to my topic which is DACA , if you have no clue what that is .Its a program that was brought in 2012 by president Obama as a stopgap that would shield from deportation people who were brought into the United States as a child. It last 2 years at a Time. This program does not provide a pathway to citizenship . But the main reason this book lead me to my topic is because in the book people are targeted just like people today in society are being targeted. I feel I can connect with my topic because I have family who were part of this program . I have two cousins who are/were part of it . They were on there way to a...
From the moment I told you I was pregnant, I knew we were done. I knew you didn’t want this and left me pregnant and alone. I finished up high school without anyone knowing I was depressed or pregnant! Ever since MY child was born, I’d always push for you to be in his life. I moved different states to make it easy for you, I didn’t take child support or ask you for a dime for him. All I asked was your time. For you to get to know him. You only did that when you wanted to impress one of your MANY 3 week hookups. You played father of the year and made me look like a bad person. Your whole family knew what an ass you were but nothing was ever said. When you met you now wife, she claims she’s been in my son’s life since he was one, NEGATIVE. You blew our son off for her. A 17 year old girl,...
