
Thank God for the Pullman Washington's Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic Fire. I'm glad that babykilling abortion mill was severely burned. They murder innocent children there, but they won't be murdering any more for awhile. Babies lives certainly are worth more than brick and mortar. Thank God for whoever performed this act of kindness. It is disgraceful that the FBI and BATF would investigate the burning of this babykilling abortion mill. There job is to protect human life, not protect those who murder helpless little babies in their mother's womb.
Dear Mr Gowswami, I have been following you since quite a long time now, and have been a great fan of you. I believe you play an important role in our country, a role of highlighting the "BURNING QUESTION". I also believe that you are a very honest journalist. But, recently your focus on ‪#‎SheenaMurderPlot‬ has left me disheartened and hopeless. Is this really a burning question ? I wonder. I am a common citizen of India, and I deal with day to day life like any other ordinary person. In my daily ordeal to reach office and to breathe fresh air I see so many "BURNING QUESTION", which I hope somebody at your position would raise. I feel irritated when I person behind my car honks constantly at the red light and wants me to jump the signal. I see the traffic cop standing helplessly...
To all prospective whistle-blowers of the world... should you ever decide to accuse any corrupt American government official or a crooked lawyer in cahoots with a corrupt government official, be prepared to be massively smeared on line and even be labeled "a wanted pedophile" "WANTED in Canada Case# 98-50322 Child molestation. Mr.Bruce Gorcyca is a known child molester taking advantage of young boys. Historically, his preference includes ages five to twelve years. His last known address was in Beijing, China with an out of date passport; he is currently trying to acquire a fake passport through corrupt channels. If you see this man, please consider him highly dangerous and aggressive. Immediately notify authorities and call the Beijing Police Department. by SteveBowden...
Dear Honorable Prime Minister Harper, Nine years ago I sent you a letter for which I never received the courtesy of a reply. In my letter to you I advised you that I am a former executive employee of American Financial Group and the FBI informant that reported their money laundering and their partnership with General Noriega This is the same American Financial Group that swindled $43 million from Canadian investors. I told you in my letter that the money was not really missing at all and I could help your government recover the money and tell the whole story connected to this company which was also laundering drug moneys for a former corrupt FBI agent named Terry Nelson who smuggled more than $1Billion of cocaine into Canada for over a decade. This is the very same Terry Nelson...
Mr. Parker, I want to start off by saying that I am deeply sorry for your loss. As the father of two wonderful children, one of whom is a daughter in college, I can only imagine what it would be like to lose her or to ever see her come to harm. That being said, it is as a father who loves his daughter, that I beg you to understand that she should have the right to own the only thing that will equalize her 4’ 10” frame against a man who averages being one to two feet taller, two or more times her size and many times her strength. It is due my having such a bright light in my life that I want to point out the deep flaws in what you are determined to accomplish. While I agree wholeheartedly that those who are mentally ill should not have access to weapons that can do great...
Your Honor, I am a victim of both a fake extradition and a lawyer named William Gilmour of Brampton Ontario, who became a lawyer only after the RCMP asked him to resign or be fired after shooting a young teen in the back. He himself was arrested for child abuse on August 14th, 2001 and for the last 7 years has been extorting my family. For almost 7 years my wife has been facing terrorism in Canada on a daily basis while trying to raise our 5 year old autistic son. No Muslim extremist is anywhere in sight but her house and car were shot up and nasty death threats were left on the family answering machine. She would not have been subjected to any of this stress if one of two things had occurred; 1) If the lawyer I hired had been truthful with me 2) Had the law society not...
Dear [email protected], I’m a grown ass woman. I never imagined being bullied as a grown woman, but, yet, here I am. About a week ago, I was a grown ass woman who, first the time in her life, felt completely helpless and worthless. I felt like I was nothing, and I didn’t matter. I was ready to give up on everything. When you sent me the first anonymous email on 8/1/15, I physically felt sick. Your message was direct, regarding a very specific situation in my life that is primarily unknown. Since you chose a random email address, with a username of “Friend Ofafriend,” I had no way of identifying who you really were. It was such a strange feeling, knowing someone had so much personal information about me, yet they were faceless and nameless. I’ve been overcome...
This is a shout out to the guy who won't pay me for my work and the crappy platform supporting him. I write for a living and obviously it means that sometimes I'm busier than others when it comes to work. On a particularly quiet period I took to glance - an online freelancer site - that puts you in touch with clients who need work doing. Now I should have known from the off that a lot of the clients weren't exactly going to be trustworthy, after all a host of them are people asking you to write their university essays and the like for them. Anyway I pretty much found work immediately and was excited to get going on an hourly contract that would see me earning some good money. I largely contacted the guy through Skype for convenience as he was located out in America and...
Help Wanted: Dragon Slayer Lawyer in Canada Not Afraid Of Suing Solicitor William Gilmour... Finding good help to fight unethical and predatory lawyers is not easy when the shady lawyer brags that he represents the Peel Police Department whose minions owe him "at least ten years of favors" for "getting their Chief off the hook for major corruption charges when he was guilty as sin" (circa 2001). This guy was once my friend and I was glad he was in my corner – at the time. But after he failed me miserably in a fake extradition case, began "misplacing" key evidence, accepted money from people the RCMP/FBI said were probably the same Russian mobsters threatening to kill me and my family, I wish I had heeded the warning of another lawyer who had warned me I should not hire him. By the...
Sir, May I introduce myself? My name is Adrian, and I am very concerned with the activities of police and the courts, as regards apprehending and prosecuting child abusers. I am particularly concerned with so-called "historic" cases of child abuse, that seem to have been covered up over the last couple of generations. Only two years ago, I would have been considered a "conspiracy theorist", but now my statements above run quite concurrently with the results of recent investigations and revelations – revelations pertaining to Cyril Smith being a good example. In any case, if I may continue to the grist of my letter to you – you recently sat in judgement of a man known as Chris Spivey; case number 421400531044 heard at Chelmsford Magistrates Court on July 30-31, 2015. This man...
