
I still remember that day so vividly, and it still makes me cry. Nearly two years later. You took something from you that can never be replaced. I didn't tell anyone. And still almost no one knows. It wasn't like what most people talk about. It wasn't overly violent. And maybe that's why I didn't say anything. you never hit me, or ripped my clothes off, your method was much more psychological. You kept saying please after every time you told me no. And after the fifth time you just started taking my clothes off. And I knew I couldn't get away. My heart pounded loudly in my ears as you seemed to be enjoying my insistent pleas against what you were doing. And I think all of this would be so much easier if you were a stranger. But you weren't. You were the boyfriend of my best friend...
Honestly, I don't know where i should begin. Honestly there are things i don't think you would understand, nor care about hearing from me or my sister. did you know? I have a sister. there are two of us. Two of us that are roaming this earth with a piece of us missing every single day. A Piece of us that can't be bought back, replaced or made up for. A Piece that YOU, sir took from us. September, 23rd, 2009. Six years ago you loaded up a 20 Gauge shotgun and took two lives. As my father laid in the bed asleep, you loaded that gun up and you plotted to murder him. Not only him, but your own sister who was sleeping beside him. Did you know that me and my sister found out our father was murdered through the internet? can you imagine that? Imagine waking up and turning on the news to see...
To Mayor Sly James and Chief of Police Darryl Forté: I am about to make a radical suggestion, an idea that runs counter to prevailing thought on justified police actions: that every civilian, even those that open fire on police officers or innocent bystanders, deserves to live. That it is right and just that all Kansas Citians, not matter how deranged or violent, deserve to see their constitutionally-guaranteed day in court. It may seem a strange idea to those conditioned to assume anyone who fires a gun at others has automatically given up his or her right to life, even if said person suffers from mental illness. Here I suggest a higher form of ethical thinking. In light of yesterday’s condemnatory report in The Kansas City Star that found 47 Kansas Citians died in...
To: The United States Armed Forces. There isn't any reason to doubt the intentions of Barack Obama. No further proof or discussions need to be provided. The many acts of treason, the laws he has broken, and his efforts to destroy this country are obvious to the casual observer. As an American Citizen I call on you to do your job and without further delay arrest Barack Obama for treason. I don't want to hear you say that you don't know if you have the authority to do so. You do have the authority and you know that. Also to remove his entire administration from their posts. Congress as a whole is also guilty of treason. Your failure to do so will make you guilty of treason as well. So do your job or resign your post. Or be a traitor, the choice is yours.
We met when we were both 16 years old. Life was cars and boys for me, cars and girls for you. We became best friends and connected in a special way because we were both previous victims of sexual abuse. We both promised that we would never inflict that kind of pain on a child. We talked sometimes about the memories that haunted us, about the shadows that followed us. You told me you were in love with me more than once but it took a very long time for my feelings to grow into that. You were always there to pick up the pieces when relationships fell apart. You were the one constant I could always count on. You were the permanence I thought I needed. That is how you became my daughters step-father and our worst nightmare. (How could you do this to us? I TRUSTED YOU!) When my...
ISIS has started a war against humanity But people are fighting against the wrong people. They believe if they destroy Islam…ISIS will go away. But Islam is not ISIS. ISIS claims to be a a part of Islam but if you take away the religion what do they have left? Bombs. Guns. Knives. Hatred. ISIS is filled with hatred. That is what drives them. But this creates a paradox because everyone has it ingrained in their minds that hatred is bad. Since we were little children, the world has taught us to act nice and do good. Whether you’re Christian, Mormon, Jewish, Atheist, Buddhist, Hindu, Baptist, Catholic, or Muslim. The world and each society we have lived in has taught us this. Unfortunately… children noticed something else. Justification. White lying is okay...
Hi Harold. I can't remember your surname but I wont forget your face. Remember your seatmate when youre just in Grade 3? The girl that bullied you for a couple of months. The girl who teased you all day. That girl who pushed you to gave her your mentos and even your allowance. Its me. The nightmare youve had when we were in Grade 3. The antagonist in your life. Its me. I am here writing a letter for you. I am deeply sorry for all the things Ive made. I know sorry wasnt enough and I hope someday we will meet and say the things I wanted to say and to really apologize. How have you been? Its been 7 years since those days. Are you okay now? Are you stronger than you are before? I wish you are. 'Cause you need to be strong so that no one can do those things Ive done to you. I am sorry.
Its been three years. Three years that should have been the "time of my life". Three years that turned into panic attacks, depression, nightmares, and constant worry. Three years that you have taken away. Three years of constantly feeling the touch of your hands grabbing me, touching, your body unwillingly pressed to mine. Three years where you have impacted my life in so many ways, but you probably never, once, thought of me. Three years that have been held in the past as I scramble to pick up the pieces of my shattered life. I hope that you were not affected by your actions like I was. Because, three years ago, you killed the light that was inside of me; and I do not wish that on my worst enemy. I hope that in these past three years you have had the time of your life,...
To my loving mother who I don't want to worry, I have had this on my mind for a while. I have this secret that I used to be afraid to tell. I've since told two people and it's almost a relief and a weight off my shoulder. It's almost as if telling someone and hearing them say it's okay is a healing factor for me. Mom, I know you worry about me. I know that you sometimes think I'm not always the best student and I know that you worry about my grades. I also know how you worry about my stress. This semester was one of the roughest of all. Not only was a afraid because you were sick but I have more to my story which I never told you. I denied it and never let myself believe it at first. But eventually, you'll find a trigger. My trigger was when I was with Nick, the guy that I have a thing...
When you first find out that your partner has been sexually assaulted, you’re not going to know how to respond. While you’re at first shocked, your shock may quickly turn to anger toward their abuser. Your job as their partner is to be supportive toward them, even if you’re not quite sure how to be. Sexual assault is traumatizing for the victim. They may be triggered during sexual activities with you, they may even have flashbacks to their assault(s). As their partner now, you will realize that even though they’re in bed with you, they’re still partially in bed with their abuser. And they might continue to be for the rest of their life. You, as their supporter, may now feel as though you’re going to re-traumatize them. Not on purpose of course, but you might be a little scared of...
