Love Letters

To the girl who broke his heart, You really did a number on him. It's been months and he still crys. I hate you, I really do. But don't because he loves you not me but because you don't love him back. I hate you because you don't find his slightly geeky personality adorable. I hate you because his laugh doesn't melt your heart. I hate you because his voice doesn't make you sleep better at night. I hate you for not loving the way he smells. I hate you because the stupid things he does doesn't drive you the good kind of crazy. I hate you because he hurts so much over you. I hate you because you moved on like it was nothing. Like he was nothing because he's not. He's adorable. His smile lights up my day. He has a great heart and personality. He would do anything for you. Even though you...
I'm so sorry. I thought this was faster than a hand written letter because by the time you receive the letter, it'll be too late. I feel so bad thinking about the way that I've hurt you and the way that I have reopened your awful wound. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you and I truly regret what I have done. I must have tore your world apart and I'm so deeply sorry. I'm sorry that I even tried to argue back. I know that you will never able to trust me the same way that you did before. The tears that ran down my face yesterday was filled with sadness and hurt because I love you sooo much, so it hurts me so much to see you in so much pain. I messed up and I know sorry will never be enough because I'm such a screw up. But for whatever it's worth, I still need you to know that I...
you.. we met over the summer, but i fell in love so quickly. jeez. between July and January i was the happiest ever. we would spend all of our time together. i was so in love. you asked me out July 6 and we broke up January 1. you knew me better than i knew myself. i gave up almost all my friends for you. i left my best friend countless times for you. but at the time i didnt care because you were my oxygen and i needed you to live. the worst night of my life was new years eve of this year. thats where everything came crashing down. my baby was done with me. i still don;t know what went wrong. all i know is you broke my heart into a thousand pieces and ill never be okay again. you ruined my first love. but guess what? i would take you back in a heartbeat because i am still in love....
as I have grown older, I have come to realize the amount of heartbreak a girl must suffer. me being a young girl that used to find love off of websites has broken me to the core, but has also made me a better person. if I didn't have the websites, I would not be the same person, I would be someone who had never experienced love. now that I have gotten older and have become to realize what dating websites can do to you, I find myself in even more trouble, I find myself being heartbroken even more. the men that I have given my all too and suffered so much time for are no longer in my life and have moved on. seeing the occasional guy that I thought I was in love a year or so ago on Facebook, and seeing that they have moved on and that they have found love still kills me to this day. seeing...
Hello old friend, Do you remember me? Well, the girl I used to be? The girl who was once so vibrant, happy, & full of life? I have fading, distant memories of her also. The girl who put everyone else's needs & happiness in front of her own? She now is empty & hollow from giving her all to you. The one who always wore her crooked smile so beautifully, even on the darkest & most dismal days? Now when she catches glimpses of the sunlight beaming on & kissing her skin, she still feels cold because she wishes it was you. The girl who was friendly to everyone she met? She now comes across as complacent & cold; not trusting even her own shadow. The girl who once had so much self confidence? She feels ugly, inadequate,...
I’m trying to think of a way I can let you know of the positive impact you’ve made on me. You might need to indulge me a bit so I can fully express what I want to say. One of the things you wrote me in your first email was that you weren’t like other guys your age; you were working and going to school, not out partying. That intrigued me. But at the time, I still thought, “I just can’t do this, I would feel like an old, washed-up cougar-lady trying to recapture her glory days!” But there was just something unique about you that made me go ahead and check it out. After our bumpy start, when you came back to me and were so honest about your nervousness, it cleared the way for us to explore our time together and make our own terms. I know that someday things will end between us. I...
I spent a lot of time online, reading through pages of stories, hoping I could find one that fits mine. For most parts, I can relate to an experience, but it just won't match. I always thought that crushes are a wonderful thing. Everyone who has one gets to feel that childlike excitement and uncontrollable rush, which causes a whole lot of smiling and day dreams. That's the feeling you gave me and you don't even know it. For such a long time, I've seen you as this beautiful, carefree and smart woman who's totally crush-worthy. You never had the slightest idea that you have always been the highlight of someone's day: mine. Well that's pretty much how it started. A crush, just a crush. Over the months, I've built up enough confidence to finally befriend you. When i did, the...
I write letters to people and never send them. It's what I do. So here's my letter I never sent you: I didn't mean to fall for you. Not that people ever do. I was with someone else and so were you. It just happened. The first night we spent together talking on your couch until 7am. We weren't really friends, but I felt close to you. Close enough to share all my worries and listen to yours. We laughed, and got serious, and just TALKED. The second night we spent together you came over to my apartment and we built a blanket fort in my living room floor. It seemed childish, but we didn't care. We stayed up all night talking again, though this time we slept a little (and cuddled). You hit on me by telling me my cuddling skills were weak, but you promised (as master cuddler) you...
Sometimes, even when you aren't looking, you find the "ONE". For me it all started one cold, drunk night in October. I had no plans and nothing to do, so I took a new friend up on an offer to hang out and drink a few. After hanging out for a few hours, my new friend told me he had to leave to go pick up one of his other friends. I was invited to tag along, so I did. We pulled up to your house, and you came out. I didn't really think much about you, you were just a normal guy that I didn't know. The night went on, we all partied and had a good time and that was the end of it. A few days later I was invited to hang out again, and there you were. Never in a million years would I ever have thought that you would affect my life as much as you have. Never would I have thought I would fall in...
I wanted to start off letting you know that you’re amazing and I’m so proud of the person you have become in the past three years I have known you. I wanted to tell you that no matter what happens, you’re the person I fall asleep with on my mind and wake up hoping to see the day ahead. I don’t want you to think I was unhappy, I don’t want you to think I regret the long night of being wrapped up in your arms. Most importantly, I don’t want you to ever think I didn’t love you. That’s all I ever did. Maybe it was the wrong time or we were just not meant to be together, but I know deep inside that any time I see old pictures, it takes me back to the time when you met my family; the “rich side" as you called it. The time at the fair when I thought we were meant to be forever. I remember the...
