
Dear lovely people, There are a few things I want to say and its hard to do in 140 characters. We all love Angie what she does, the kind-hearted person she is just about everything you can think of. But working around a lot of celebs and having a friend who is one there is something I want to say something a lot of people don't think of. First off there are TWO Angie Harmons. Why, you say, and how can that be? Well let me explain, there is the actress, the humanitarian, the one who gives to her fans with her whole heart. The one we see in public. BUT a lot of people don't understand or realize there is another Angie Harmon. The mother who fiercely protects her kids, who gets her heart hurt and cant share that side of her, the daughter, the private person she cooks cleans...
Hi UK, it’s Michelle Visage’s husband! I hope you’ll bless me with your attention for just a short time while I gush about my wife. First off, I can’t believe I’m doing this. Can’t believe I’m writing on Michelle’s website– okay, secretly a thrill for me– especially since Michelle and I decided nobody would take over for her posting while she goes into the 2015 CBB house. She loves posting her blogs and her voice is so unique, who could possibly replace it? Definitely not me. But things have changed and this week will prove to be so thunderously emotional leading all the way up to the final. Tonight I’m expecting all kinds of heart-ripping, soul sobbing sentiment if yesterday’s web video about the letters is any indicator. Which is completely unlike Michelle, who is normally...
Dear Justin Bieber, We write to you on behalf of the children living under the care of an orphanage. It is a good organization and we have grown to love these children a lot. We spend a lot of time with these kids and along the way we volunteers came together and recorded a track and made a music video of their favourite song- As Long as You Love Me. They voted for it all by themselves. At first we could not understand why they loved this song so much. But as we spent hours in the beatboxing, singing, recording, video editing sessions we began to really listen to the words of your song and began to understand what this song meant to these kids. We initially made this video for fun simply because they loved you so much. Over the course of the two years that served as the run up to...
Dear Mr. Stone, I am an academic historian who likes to think he has some knowledge of world events during the past centuries. I am someone who has watched and thought about some of your better films and who had the good fortune to have been in Kyiv on the Maidan in November-December 2013. I was appalled and distressed when I read that a person of your stature had decided he would make a film about Ukraine’s ousted dictator Victor Yanuovych. What unsettled me was not your idea about interviewing a dictator on film. Documentaries about surviving ousted dictators are important and useful. What I found appalling was not only that you seem to share his interpretation of his fate, but that you seem to attach particular significance to that interpretation. You seem actually to...
Dear Kendall, Take a moment and remove yourself from your current situation, if you can, to a life that isn’t riddled with excess and only hearing the word “yes” to your wants and requests. Now, imagine you’re from a small town and/or Third-World country where your only way to get out of your current social class, achieve your dreams, get a green card or just gain better work conditions is to become a high-fashion model. You have to leave for six months to a year sometimes, signing contracts you can barely understand, let alone oblige to, almost without choice. You’re away from your family, your friends and everything you know. You live in a one-bedroom apartment with six other girls in the same situation in this Big Apple, New York City. Did I mention you’re only 17 when all of...
Dangerous Dogs ITV – Open letter from the Director. The first episode of a 2 part series I made aired last Thursday on ITV. “Dangerous Dogs” was commissioned to investigate the rise in the number of dog attacks on people and aimed to go beyond the typical “devil dog” headlines and find out what it is that makes a dog dangerous. Over 2 million people watched, the subject trended on twitter and a parliamentary working group want to show the series to ministers. Hopefully, together with the people who gave up their time for nothing and let us film them, we have added something to a debate. But I’ve been shocked and saddened by the levels of abuse aimed directly at the main character in the series. Kelly, a dog warden for Birmingham City Council who features in both programmes, has...
I firstly implore you all, read this to the end, you may start reading and think that I am taking sides, I assure you I am not. I am pointing out some valid things on both sides. Firstly to the Listers. I do love that name, whoohooo, you made a list, good for you ;) Imagine MB wasn't a celebrity but rather just some popular girl at high school, a cheerleader perhaps. Yes she's made some mistakes, the first of which was getting upset with people for criticizing the character she played (not the actress herself,) definitely she handled some things wrong. Let's go back to you all being high school students on twitter. Even though you are not tagging or mentioning her, we all know who you are talking about, twitter is a public forum. Is it right to publicly mock a person (another high...
I am a former metalhead. I used to be in a few bands, I've toured, had record deals, guitar endorsements and thought I was the shit until I had a moment of clarity when I realized was entering my 30's asking my mom to help me out with rent. I left my bands, finished up my degree and got a real job. I am talking so much jive about these people out of personal experience, observation and with a sincere request for people who are still doing this to GROW UP. I was prompted to write this because my cousins son, 17, is finishing up high school, and he is considering skipping college to "make it" in music, much like I tried to do. After some thinking back, hanging with him and his friends, and talking to old friends from the "scene," I come to you metalheads with a bit of truth and wisdom to...
Dear Mr Bowie You can’t have failed to notice that the United Kingdom, if not the world, is held in some sort of musical trance by you this year. Perhaps it is the release of your first studio album in years, at the age of 66, entitled “The Next Day”. I am pleased that although you continue to cultivate your enigmaticism and irritation with the all things to do with the media, you have penned and recorded a mighty fine album. Indeed I understand that you were so prolific in recent years that there is enough material recorded to produce a second album. I suspect you will probably continue to court the Muse and therefore are writing new songs for your next album and won’t be content with old ones. But even though you have gone on record as saying that you will never give any interviews...
Dear Mrs. Sakae Esuno, I want to congratulate you for discovering a Masterpiece in Mirai Nikki. It is a universe so full of sorrow, yet so overwhelming with value. I believe if anyone sees this story unfold before their eyes, and their heart doesn’t move them to tears, then that person cannot consider themselves to truly be alive. I for one feel so very much identified with every character within the story, in fact, I feel as if I had been quartered and each of them embodied an aspect of me. My own beliefs are deeply rooted inside of the narrative. It was more than 4 years ago that I discovered this tale, but it wasn’t only until recently that I finally experienced it. However, during all this time, Mirai Nikki had been a ghost in my head, begging for my attention. At this...
