
The recent increase in racial tensions across America presents U.S. Senators and Representatives with a unique opportunity. These elected leaders can show constituents how men and women from disparate backgrounds—racial, generational, religious, socio-economical, educational, etc.—should work together. After all, their jobs exist to reach and implement decisions that A) uphold the United States Constitution and B) help our uniquely wonderful country become the Republic described in The Declaration of Independence. Unfortunately, PARTYISM (loyalty to a political party) has been rearing its head in ugly ways. When a Republican introduced the Justice in Policing Act of 2020, it was shot-down without discussion by Democratic Congress members. As an (allegedly enhanced) alternative to The...
Dear Fellow Americans... Did you ever wonder why all of our presidents have been millionaires of the political establishment who never do a damn thing to stop America's two biggest threats - CENSORSHIP and the real Pandemic of Corruption? Why do they spend $300 million dollars to acquire a job that only pays $400,000 a year? Why can't we elect a common sense citizen who is not a millionaire indebted to Big Pharma, Defense Companies, and the Banksters? Someone like you or me? We certainly could not do any worse than the current status quo. If I were president, here is what I would do... 1) I would appoint Trey Gowdy as the new FBI Director and give him a mandate to make corruption his number one priority and reassign assets and resources accordingly. I would ask Oprah Winfrey to be...
To the oh so many Americans in the United States, I beg you to take interest in the political developments that are occurring throughout the world. I know it may be hard to ignore the problems we currently have in our country, but understanding the world around us allows us to become informed global citizens. As we remain unaware in international developments, we are, therefore, complicit in their actions. Now—where was I? We all know who the Nazis were. Fascist and anti-democratic in nature, they were a political party led by Adolf Hitler in Germany during the 1930s and the 1940s. Truly wicked acts were committed at the hands of the Nazis: genocide against Jews, Poles, Gypsies, and the disabled. Why is this relevant, you may ask? Well, a new political entity has emerged in Germany...
Dear Fellow Americans, I urge all of you to ignore the fake news you see on TV (yes, the riots are real but you are not being told about how they are being orchestrated with paid troublemakers that are being inserted from out of town to turn peaceful protests into violent ones. Why? Because American billionaires (the corrupt elite - Elon Musk excluded) are looking to create an excuse to prolong the lock-down and invoke martial law. The Plandemic was Plan A and the Riots are Plan B. Yes, this is indeed a conspiracy, but NOT a conspiracy theory. You need to know the difference. What is the purpose of this scheme? It is called Agenda 21 and 23 countries have already endorsed it as the future NWO (New World Order) with one government and one currency. https://www.glennbeck.com/agenda21...
When heavily armed Minneapolis police and National Guardsmen marched into a peaceful suburb screaming and shooting at unarmed citizens on their own property, the local government crossed the line and committed an act of terrorism that is 100% UnAmerican, not to mention illegal since it was not provoked. https://streamable.com/u2jzoo There was NO PROVOCATION and not any need to scream at people, and certainly no reason to shoot at unarmed people who broke no laws enjoying a peaceful time with their children in their own homes. Police forces need to be retrained and demilitarized - NOW. They need to be reminded that they work for WE THE PEOPLE - not vice versa. We pay their salaries and their disrespect is causing public mistrust and resentment. There was no civil unrest nor rioting...
Mr. Secretary, Indeed we all live in one of the darkest periods of modern history. COVID-19 pandemic made the world examine it's own vulnerability in a way it never did since the outbreak of Hispanic flu in 1918. Then, as it is now, the United States had suffered an outstanding struggle, probably even far more devastating, then rest of the world. And as it is now, only the sacrificial heroism of American people had helped our precious country and nation to courageously withstand this menace. Presently, most of scientists are certain, that Hispanic flu actually originated in post-Imperial China, thus more then 96 000 Chinese labourers, hired by the Antante during the Great War, being one of the first unspoken threats of China to the Western society and way of living. Although...
This goes to the Trump whitehouse stop with corona task force briefing with Donald Trump continuing lying to the american people for the past weeks . If you going to have a briefing leave Trump out of it he no doctor with no knowledge of medicine nor he has any good ideals on how to treat this virus! He perhaps no Trump is the reason why thousands of deaths occur as where as China with his ridulous most ingorant statement using disinfectant household cleaning products if anyone who have common sense annoy Donald Trump and his idiot ideals because he not helping only hurting the american people.The best thing the whitehouse can do let the doctors Dr. Facci...
If you doubt any of the following, feel free to consult with Dr. Atlas of Stanford University, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, Dr. Richard Horowitz, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Ron Paul, Edward Snowden, Alex Jones, David Icke, and Robert Kennedy. By the way, I am part of the 1% but I would never be so selfish as to ask my children to abandon their careers, family freedoms, and income to possibly protect me from a virus infection similar to the common flu in terms of contamination risk. When it's my time to go, I am ready. Dr. Anthony Fauci lied about the mortality rate of the virus and it is not 3.4%. In fact it is not even 1%! But the high infection rate and rapid spread of the virus (normal for a man-made bio-weapon virus) combined with Fauci's 3.4% spread alarm, and anxiety around the globe...
You Trump supporters are some real dumb a** ingorant people that ever supported one individual who done nothing for you to make lives better for you all except himself! You out their protesting about a ruling of your governors made in which you have the right too but, in this instant the ruling that governors made in your respected states was in the best interest for not only you trump supporters but the entire american people in which it can saves lives! This virus isn't a hoax it have killed over fifty- thousands people perhaps more by the end of the week and you out protesting not social distance from each other dangering youselves blocking emt ent for doing their jobs in saving lives that been affected by the virus! I know you want your lives back as far going back to work sporting...
