
Dear Dave and Aneel, A great admirer of Workday's since Day 1, for various reasons you will find summarized in several of my blog posts, the global and European person I am was more than gratified to see that you have decided to open an office in Germany. However, this cannot hide the fact that before you open a new market, you should make sure the previous ones are up and running. The Frenchman in me cannot therefore understand why you are opening an office in Germany when you have yet to make France work. It was exactly three years ago that you opened the French office and in that period of time you have only signed up two French customers: Lafarge and Sanofi. Even Oracle has managed to sign up more Fusion customers in France, which is the ultimate insult. With France being...
Dear Meg Whitman, Do you take trains, drive cars? Do you ever need health services? Do you have good furniture? Sleep well near nuclear power plants because they are well contained? Do you buy things in supermarkets? For every dependable service or product, and in many other contexts, somewhere there is a well-controlled software, running on a well-controlled Operating System – OpenVMS. These software products are the result of decades of precise programming, inscribed in precise coding imperative for such functional necessities. A majority of them use functions specific to OpenVMS and still run on OpenVMS, as these custom features are hard to find elsewhere. In June 2013, however, it was announced that OpenVMS would be reaching its end-of-life and no longer be used with new hardware...
[B]Dear Mr. President[/B] As you are preparing for a meeting with the Gulf Arab rulers at Camp David, we are writing to urge you to include and cover the political and human rights issues in your talks. As we understand, the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the “ongoing cooperation to raise common interests, related to the security of the Gulf region and other issues”, yet it is still of paramount importance to consider the political and human rights situation in the Gulf region and its wider repercussions. We believe it sits in the heart of any planned action for stability, security and mutual interests. The serious political and human rights situation in the region needs to be properly and principally addressed, especially in countries like Bahrain and Saudi Arabia where...
Dear Holy Father, You probably are getting some heated reactions these days from my compatriots, the Turks. The reason is obvious: You used the word “genocide” when referring to the “Great Catastrophe” that the Ottoman Armenians went through a century ago. Many Turks, including members of the Turkish government, were furious, reacting with cries of “how dare you!” They consider the “G-word” an insult, and thus lash out everyone who dares to use it. I should perhaps begin by saying that as a Turk myself, I do not approve of these knee-jerk reactions. You have the right to interpret history in the way you see it, and no one can blame you for that. The world’s temporal governments, whose ambitions for power almost always curtail their devotions to Truth, especially should have little...
Dear friends, What is happening right now is huge, we are dealing with nothing less than a full-scale “French September 11th“, no less. At this point, I am not saying that the French state did it, or even let it happen. But what is certain is that at the very least the French state and the corporate media are making maximal use of the various terrorist murders in France to promote their agenda. We all know what happened the last time around (click here if you forgot). The house is burning! For many months now Alain Soral and others have been warning that the French regime is pushing towards a civil war between the Muslim and non-Muslim communities in France and this is exactly what we are seeing, but it is even bigger than France – this is reaching all of Europe now....
Dear President Philip, Probably the last thing you need at this moment is someone else from outside your university complaining about your decision. If you want to argue that I can't really understand all aspects of the situation, never having been associated with SUNY Albany, I wouldn't disagree. But I cannot let something like this go by without weighing in. I hope, when I'm through, you will at least understand why. On October 1st, you announced that the departments of French, Italian, Classics, Russian and Theater Arts were being eliminated. You gave several reasons for your decision, including that there are comparatively fewer students enrolled in these degree programs. Of course, your decision was also, perhaps chiefly, a cost-cutting measure -- in fact, you stated that this...
Dear Jake, It was great fun seeing you and the twins on Skype this weekend. Every time I see you I can tell that you are bigger, stronger and smarter than the time before. You might be a little young for a history lesson, but I know you are not too young to appreciate a map, especially a map that looks like a puzzle. In this letter I want to address the current crisis of Ukraine, Crimea and Russia and explain that I see a better way to solve crises like this one. As is often the case in understanding the problems of the world, it is good to start with a map and a history lesson. In this map Crimea is the little peninsula hanging below Ukraine and to the left of Russia. It has had a tumultuous history, with many different governments over the past 100 years. Two events in the past...
Your Holiness: Grace and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ. Remembering with pleasure our meeting in Washington some years ago, I am prompted to write by what I once hoped was a common concern for the unity of Christ’s Church and a shared commitment to bridging the chasm that opened between America and Russia during the Cold War. I say “once hoped,” because, in all candor, some of your recent public comments on the trials of Ukraine have inflicted new wounds on the Body of Christ while exacerbating tensions in world politics. I refer specifically to your charge that “the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is engaging in direct political activities, unfortunately, using sharp Russophobic slogans and statements and making sharp statements against the Russian Orthodox Church in its...
Dear Andrew, I am writing formally to renew my invitation to a debate with you on the issue of the stolen generations. As you are aware, I agreed to debate you on this issue in early 2001 at Readers’ Feast bookshop. At first, you agreed. Shortly afterwards, you pulled out. In one of the encounters we had on radio (in Adelaide) I renewed the offer. On October 30 2002 I renewed it again in a letter to the editor of the Herald Sun. “The one group who would not join in the debate [on In Denial] were the people whose ignorance of Aboriginal history it analysed. Bolt was invited to debate In Denial. At first he accepted the invitation and then pulled out. From my point of view the offer is still open.” You have provided different explanations for your failure to debate me on this issue...
Dear English People, Forgive me for saying this, but I believe your entire language could need to be revised, so as to eliminate all the illogical idioms, expressions and pronunciations that have appeared over the years. Don't misunderstand me, English is not the only language to which this applies. In fact most languages I know could do with a quick fix in order to get rid of irregular verbs and confusing terms. I do not mean to criticise anyone. If I may sound harsh at times, keep in mind that I don't mean any of this seriously, that these are merely examples of things that may seem bizarre to a beginner learning English, and that by symmetry it reflects the frustrations that English people may encounter when learning a foreign language. Every language has a few quirks and...
