To YOU who made my heart smile..

Subject: To YOU who made my heart smile..
From: M. A friend, who loves you very much in her own simple way.
Date: 11 May 2016
“You know, I would really like to know how it feels to be the one taking care of you. I don’t have much to offer. I’m not pretty, not so confident like all those girls you’ve liked and you’ve made your girlfriends. They all seemed to be sure of themselves. Me, for sure I barely know who I am, or what I want to be, for sure. I am still a girl, pretending to know things. And I am rude. I’m not kind. I’m blunt and overcritical. Too sensitive and too proud to admit my flaws. But, if you’d give me the chance, would you give me the honor of being the one that knows you the most? To be the one who you message or call when you need someone, be someone you trust the most. I will do my very best to make you feel like you are never left alone. And to listen to you, and learn all the things that you love. Share opinions and private thoughts. I promise not to judge, just because you’re too precious to me. And I will be forever loyal to you. Ever. I may look at other attractive people sometimes, but my eyes will always bright up the most when I see you. I will always smile my sweetest smile from my lips and from my heart only for you. I do think, I’m not sure, but I think, that I love you. You’re my first. It may sound creepy but I’m pretty sure I remember every tiny tidbits of random things we’ve talked about, you’ve shared about. I blurt out some of these things when we talk, and then I feel embarrassed and hope that you didn’t notice I remembered something you’ve told me a year ago. Well, it’s because you’re the one I miss the most. Always. And I’m just excited to mention the things you’ve told me when we talk, because I feel that you’ve shared something of you only to me. I know that’s not how it is really but that’s what I feel. And I feel all of these things for you because you made me feel wanted, needed, and special. Once. Thank you for that by the way. You made me really happy. Even for a while. But right now, I know you are happy because of her. I can see and feel it when I see you, few times as they are. You have the girl who makes your lips and heart smile. I think. And it’s a beautiful thing, I think you are very lucky. So, I hope you will be most contented with her. I’m not going to lie and say I am happy that you’ve found her. But I will honestly say, I am glad to see you happy. She is special. I don’t know her a lot, I’ve mentioned that to you, but my intuition tells me that she is someone who suits you perfectly. And my intuitions are rarely wrong. She’s intelligent, very pretty, and has a great smile. Mine doesn’t even come close. You have a lot in common as what I notice. Well, anyway. That’s all really. I love you, and may you have a steady, strong relationship with her. Without pretensions, full of trust and forgiveness. Be happy okay? Because for me, you are one of those few that I highly think of, I respect, and think a truly great person. That’s very rare for me. I love you, but be happy with her. 
