Women of Society

Subject: Women of Society
Date: 22 Feb 2017

The only reason I chose this book was because I heard about in the movie Easy A. I had no idea what the book was about at all. Basically, the book is about some chick named Hester who had a baby by a minister, and what she had to go through with her sin.
In chapter 2, it talks about how Hester has the letter “A” placed on her chest to show how she is an adulterer. In chapter 8, Hester tells the men that came into the governor’s home that she will be able to teach Pearl an important lesson, the lesson that she has learned from her shame. At the end of the book in chapter 24, it talks about how Hester has embraced her sin as a privilege. These events show how Hester has learned to embrace her sins and not let society bring her down.
I wish I was as strong-willed as Hester. I have a problem with trying to fit in and giving into society’s expectations. Hester identified herself, and didn’t let society identify her. In the book I started to learn that society has a way of making you feel weird about yourself, and making you want to change who you are.
I am speaking to women of today’s society because we tend to be the ones who give in to society the most. We care so much about what people think of us, that we lose sight of ourselves, and let society identify us.
I’m writing this because society doesn’t identify us. If we continue to let society identify us then, there will be no variety in the world because everyone is trying to live up to society’s expectations. Everyone is going to be the same, and not many people will be themselves. I’m not just saying that women are the only ones who tend to let society identify them, but even men. The minster in the book is a prime example.
Hester is a great example on how women she views the world. She shows us women that you don’t have to live up to society’s expectations, but your own expectations. She has gone through a lot to still be able to identify herself instead of letting society do it for her. We women need to look up to Hester, and see that even if society tries to bring us down, we can lift ourselves back up.
