
Subject: Pride
Date: 22 Feb 2017

To anyone who has ever felt prideful,
I was assigned to read Great Expectations for a class assignment. I wasn’t too thrilled about it, but eventually, I opened up to it. The story is about Pip is an orphan living with his sister and her husband. SPOIL ALERT, he visits his parents’ grave and a convict comes to him makes him to steal food and file for his leg irons. The convict eventually gets caught, but he claimed he stole the items himself. Pip later met a girl named Estella, who he slowly fell in love with. He even hopes that Miss Havisham intends to make him a gentleman and marry him to Estella Miss Havisham decides to help him become a common laborer in his family’s business. Pip works in the forge unhappily, struggling to better his education with the help of the Biddy. Pip’s sister, Mrs. Joe gets attacked and Pip thinks it was Orlick. Pip got news that an anonymous person gave him a large amount of money and pip has to move to London to further his education in becoming a man. In London, Pip becomes friends with Herbert Pocket and he tells him about Estella. Mrs. Joe dies and Pip flies back home for the funeral. When he returns home, he starts to feel sorrow. Magwitch says he, not Miss Havisham is the reason Pip has the Large amount of money. Pip was so moved by his good deed that he made a fortune in Australia for that very purpose. Pip loses his fortune soon gets sick. Joe comes to London to take care of him. Joe tells Pip Biddy taught him how to read and write. After Joe leaves, Pip decides to go back home and marry Biddy, but Joe already did. Pip decides to go abroad with Herbert to work in the mercantile trade. Years later Pip so Estella again and found out her husband, that mistreated, her is dead Pip finds that Estella’s coldness and cruelty have been replaced by a sad kindness. Pip believes they will never leave each other’s sight again.
At those times, I would decide conclusively that my disaffection to dear old Joe and the forge, was gone, and that I was growing up in a fair way to be partners with Joe and to keep company with Biddy—when all in a moment some confounding remembrance of the Havisham days would fall upon me, like a destructive missile, and scatter my wits again. Scattered wits take a long time picking up; and often, before I had got them well together, they would be dispersed in all directions by one stray thought, that perhaps after all Miss Havisham was going to make my fortune when my time was out.
I have a cousin who likes to start problems with the family for no apparent reason, but cannot say what the problem is. In my opinion I sense a little pride being involved, but that’s none of my business.
People should get out of the habit of being prideful. having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy.
Being Prideful. Prideful leaders are incredibly reluctant to share the spotlight. Prideful people like spotlight.
"But if you think as Money can make compensation to me for the loss of the little child—what come to the forge—and ever the best of friends! —"
