An Open Letter To TPC

Subject: An Open Letter To TPC
From: Rick
Date: 27 May 2015

Dear Church Family,
For nearly 33 years it has been my privilege to serve as the Senior Pastor of The People’s Church. Few pastors in today’s world are ever allotted such a privilege. I have been one blessed man.
As you know this past Sunday I asked the church for a vote of confidence even though I had made a verbal agreement with our elders to resign. I met with the elders on Monday afternoon with their legal counsel and was advised that my actions were a violation of the TPC constitution and therefore my agreement to resign was still in place. The elder’s graciously stood by their original offer of severance for which I am thankful.
Today my resignation is final and absolute. It is time for TPC to move forward without distraction.
The People’s Church is a great church and will become even greater in the days ahead under new leadership.
I encourage you to love and support your church in the midst of some confusing days. God is never the author of confusion and He will guide you in the journey ahead.
Pray for your elders, they have an incredibly hard job, I know, I have been there.
Stay committed to one another and to your church. This is how family operates during hard seasons of life. Do not be divided and “choose a side”. The cause of the gospel and the kingdom of God must be the only side we ever choose.
Thank you for loving our family for all these years. Please know we will be the greatest cheerleaders for TPC going forward. As Paul said about the church at Phillipi; I thank my God upon every remembrance of you! Keep loving God and loving people.
It really has been a joy to be your pastor.
