Open letter to Remedy

Subject: Open letter to Remedy
From: Spanjoar
Date: 25 May 2015

Dear Remedy,
since Max Payne was realsed in 2001 I have been a faithful fan of you and your games. I've bought every game you have made and love I love them all.

When I heard about that Alan Wake was gonna be a Xbox exclusive game I was a bit disappointed that you alienated a majority of your fan base by releasing the game for only ONE console. Even if I was disappointed I still bought a brand new Xbox 360 so wouldn't miss out on one of your games.

When Alan Wake finally was released I didn't only buy one copy.. actually I bought two limited collectors edition, one normal retail copy and later on I also bought the downloadable version from Xbox Live Marketplace, because it was a fantastic game and I wanted to be as supportive a fan can be.

I recently sold my Xbox 360 because, let's face it, most of the exclusive games for Xbox are rubbish while Playstation have immersive story driven adventure and thriller games like Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus and Rain, games that are very similar to Alan Wake. While Xbox have repetitive games that basically just are about killing and fragging.

Lately I have been reading about the upcoming next gen consoles and decided that Playstation 4 is a better choice for me, mostly because Xbox is becoming something I don't want and Microsoft treat the core gamers in a way I don't appreciate, for example: more focus on Kinect, more focus on media/TV instead of gaming and that they will charge gamers for playing preowned games.

I just heard about your new game 'Quantum Break' and I can't really find any information about the game being exclusive for Xbox One or not. But if that is the case, I hope that you realize that you are alienating a huge chunk of your fanbase.. again!

Alan Wake didn't sell as much as it should have, because you made a choice to develop the game for Xbox 360 only. Alan Wake was one of the most pirated games in 2010 and I think the reason for that was you teaming up with Microsoft and them not marketing the game enough. Most people who wanted to buy the game couldn't because of the console exclusivity. During that year I also browsed a lot of forums discussing your game and I realized a lot of fans was upset in you and felt snubbed.

I sincerly hope you don't make this mistake again.

The PC community showed that they're there for you when you regained the development cost of Alan Wake for PC within hours and I'm sure you have a lot of fans (and potenial new fans) that will buy your future games if you decide to release them for all platforms.

To conclude this letter I would like to thank you Remedy for making such great games! But you should know that if 'Quantum Break' is a Xbox only game, I simply won't buy it and you'll loose some of my respect I have for you as a game developer. Because if supporting you mean that I'm supporting a company that I don't like , then I just won't do it. But if you decide to release it for PC and Playstation 4 as well, I will buy the shit out of your game!

Best of luck Remedy! I wish you well.

Best regards,

