An Open Letter to my Father

Subject: An Open Letter to my Father
From: Your Forever Greatful Daughter
Date: 23 Mar 2016

Dear Daddy,

I know this has been said in hundreds of open letters from thankful daughters all around the world but seriously... Thank you.

The things you have taught me are priceless to say the least. I mean, who else can teach me how to change a tire, beat up my brother and love unconditionally.

You see Ive grown up in a home where my mother loves my father and my father loves my mother. This alone has taught me what true love looks like and to never settle. Never ever settle. So I thank you for treating my mother right. I thank you for teaching me how a real man treats a Lady. Because now I have standards that are hard to beat but I believe this will bring me a man just like you. A man that will love me as you do and never anything less.

And now as I approach adult hood, I have finally realized why you got so quiet when I said I was going on a date or hanging out with a boy. I finally realize why you told me to wait to date. You just wanted me to find a man (not a boy) that was going to treat me as you treat me, with respect and class. And of course being in high school I got angry with you and wondered why you'd lock me away in a tall castle and banish me to the single life (not really I was just a dramatic kid) but you really only wanted the best for me. I didn't listen though, and for this i'm sorry. I gave all my heart to a boy who treated me wrong, so so wrong. And I know I broke your heart when you saw how he treated me and how oblivious I was to it. But I was "in love" with him and nothing you could say or do would change that because we were "made for each other" right? Wrong. He used me for my love and took advantage of how weak I was. He broke my heart after I gave him all of mine, but guess who was still there for me? my dad. He's always there for me. And because of that I know not to ever settle for a guy like him, but to wait for a man like my father.

So thank you. Thank you for teaching me ever guy is an idiot except Grandpa and Daddy. :)
