An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton (from a Bernie Sander's supporter)

Subject: An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton (from a Bernie Sander's supporter)
From: James Leo
Date: 28 Dec 2015

Dear Mrs. Clinton:

I stand in awe of the resiliency, fortitude and, determination you displayed at the so called Benghazi Hearings. You blew the GOP away and exposed them for what they really are: My proudest moment however was the "witness moment" when Elijah Cummings called them all out. I was proud to be a Democrat and a Progressive.

Now, that its over, acknowledging your many gifts and talents (which you have many) with great sadness, I realized it was "all about you" You! You! You1.

Will a day ever come when you will apply that resiliency, that fortitude that "bring it on" attitude to fight for decent wage., affordable (free college) Criminal Justice Reform, Real Progressive Issues? How many times during the first Debate we heard "I agree with Senator Sanders" but once I wish I could have Bernie just to turn around and say "Yes, Mrs Clinton, but will you fight for them."?

It seems more than convent that you now oppose Trans Pacific Partnership; you now oppose private prisons and are returning the campaign donations. Mrs Clinton, why did you accept the funds in first place? And what about Monsanto and Goldman Sachs? Are you planning to return those donations as well? What promises and expectations can those donors expect in return? How are we suppose to raise the red flag about the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adeleson when you are doing the same.?.

Do you realize by your actions, you devalue yourself more than Trey Gowdy and Karl Rove could ever hope to? Yes, you could very win the Democratic nomination. And yes, I and many others will hold our breath and pull the leaver for you as the thought of a President Trump, Carson, or,Rubio is too terrible to bear. But we Sanders supporters , we want to Vote For Somebody and support a platform. Yes, we want to revolution: A political revolution where our voters/ supporters are engaged 24/7 The Koch Brothers can never defeat such an electorate , no matter how much money that throw at the opposition

So let me conclude that I congratulate your new found victory. But you didn't' win me over. Politics is more than just "winning" its about the "good fight" and making a difference in the lives of Americans.

Good Day
James Leo, Bernie Sanders Supporter (still)
