Date: 11 Feb 2016

Dear Hillary,

As a resident from historically and possibly the bluest state in our country, I believe you are the ONLY viable candidate that can bring the changes America is desperately seeking.

I understand why Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are receiving the support they are from young voters and other groups. They are receiving this widespread support for much the same reasons our current President did. Americans want change.

Due to your extensive political experience and career you are being viewed as The Establishment. I don't view you as such. You are a seasoned veteran whose successful history of bi-partisan negotiations (sticks and carrots) are being used against you when they should be viewed as a strength. If Americans would just sit back a moment and view things from a logical perspective by the sheer volume of slanted/ prejudicial/ and almost libelous inflammatory media that has always been targeted towards you should be confirmation that not only are you not part of the Establishment but considered a real and present threat to the individuals and entities that are a part.

Bernie Sanders seems to be a great guy. Who couldn't like him? He gives some great targeted statistical information that Americans should be concerned about. As a vetted politician what he has actually did to address these concerns within the communities he has governed in meaningful ways with measurable outcomes is uncertain. Young people are idealistic by nature and from that perspective Bernie Sanders delivers. With time though we all have to become participants in reality.

Donald Trump is terrifying to me. His media spin is powerful and he certainly appears to believe all publicity is good publicity. However, America did elect Ronald Reagan so he shouldn't be discounted. Being the Chief Commander of the most powerful country in the free world is a little more than the successful operation of real estate holdings and reality shows. This of course after he filed bankruptcy and went belly up. He's a great cheerleader and makes promises that the average American wants to hear but when is he going to give actual strategies and plans on how he is going to achieve these promises. I'm sure his political analysts and consultants are working on those now. He doesn't have the experience or background to develop either but he delivers a great and impassioned speech. I think he is performing or looking at independent polls for gain in support because at the end of one of his more recent speeches he exclaims, "Oh yeah, by the way, we are going to take care of the vets."

If either of these front runners are elected what we will have is a figure head of whichever idealistic slant we favor that cannot gain the cohesion and support of either the Senate or the House of Representatives necessary to effect the change America needs now.

In the past 8 years we have had a figure head of our ideals that did not have the experience or ability to gain bi-partisan support to push through the changes he advocated for. As a middle aged Caucasian woman from a blue state I supported Barack Obama during his first term and then realized I had voted based on personal ideals and hope for change that despite his great intentions he could not deliver. WE CANNOT REPEAT THIS MISTAKE AGAIN.

As part of the 99% of Americans that the former GOP Republican Presidential candidate Mr. Romney referred to, I would like to encourage you today. I would like to encourage you to focus on the multiple issues that everyday Americans are concerned about which are: the restructuring of the Veterans Administration to be accountable for measurable outcomes of the services they provide to all veterans that are inadequate in comparison to the sacrifices made and are being made by ALL veterans, a hard look at our judicial systems in all branches beginning with local law enforcement that practices pervasive and active discrimination against minorities, our failing school systems/ educational opportunities/ lack of support for professionals that against all odds continue to pursue degrees and practice, and the rampant/ pandemic abuse of prescription medications/ unchecked pharmaceutical companies that profit from the deaths and sickness of Americans. Minimum wage, infrastructure, and a balanced budget are things we care about also. The American small and diversified business owners are who make our country great and a continued promise of hope worldwide. They have to be supported and well taken care of in all aspects. Our environment has to be addressed or all else is mute. I live in a state where fracking has created the most pervasive and imminent threat for earthquakes in a region there should be none.

Fear is a great motivator and history has proven that. God knows I, like many others, am horrified by media coverage of suicide bombers in other countries such as France. No one wants an infiltration of ISIS. The Middle East wants the successful destruction of ISIS. As our former SECRETARY Of STATE who better to serve as our Commander in Chief for foreign affairs. What candidate can top that for real experience?

Focus on America and be encouraged today. Present your case strongly without fear of reprisal. They are going to talk about you anyway. My worst fear is that you are being targeted this way not only for your abilities/ accomplishments that present a real threat but because you are a woman. What other possible reason could be present for you to have to fight so hard to be acknowledged for your years of effective service and real measurable outcomes. Not only is it greatly disturbing that I actually feel you would be a shoe in as the next President, if you were a man, but it is more disturbing that my fellow Sister Americans may be being influenced unjustly and unduly. I don't want to make this letter to you about gender because with your experience and accomplishments at a minimum it's demeaning. I do believe in calling things how I see them though. Most of us in the 99%'er group do.

You have absolutely earned the vote to be chosen as our next Commander in Chief and President of the United States. Hands down and pound for pound you are the most qualified and best candidate for the most important position in our country.

Your legacy and efforts has always been effective change through strong communities at a grass roots level to empower Americans and fortify what is almost now the extinct middle class. I personally am sick of being informed about war, rumors of war, and oil. When is a Commander in Chief going to address what is happening here that violates Americans civil rights and well being. When will we count first?

Take the gloves off and force the other candidates to measure up. Continue to say what you mean and mean what you say and without apology. It will be respected and supported in the long run. Donald Trump's statements on the media's obsession with political correctness and coverage of insignificant events for the purposes of defamation of character is the most relevant statement he has made in his campaign.

We are disgusted by the constant coverage of petty and borderline gossipy incidents that are regurgitated on a daily basis. Ignore the media on those things, we do. By now you should know the media is going to nitpick and talk about you anyway. Keep pushing forward.

Good Luck, God Speed, and God Bless,

99%'er in Oklahoma
