An Open Letter to The Guy Who Doesn’t Chase

Subject: An Open Letter to The Guy Who Doesn’t Chase
Date: 21 Jan 2017

An Open Letter to The Guy Who Doesn’t Chase,

The chase isn’t about you.

The chase is about me.

You think I want you to chase me because I like the attention or that I crave the drama. The truth is I want you to chase me because I want to see that you care enough.

The world has taught us that love is hard to come by. There are many times throughout our lives that we thought we were in love. And perhaps we were. But we also learned that love is cruel. It tore us, broke us, and transformed us into what it wanted us to be. It wore us down until it wasn’t love anymore.

It wore us to the point that we became runners. When times get tough and things get hard, we flee. We need to distance ourselves from the pain in order to seek clarity.

We run partly because we’re terrified of love. We also run to see who matters in life.

A wise man once said we build brick walls around us to show us who cares enough to break them down. These walls are our fortress- they protect and shield, strengthen and guide. Every brick in this wall has a story. Some of these stories you probably know, others you never will. They represent heartbreak, damage, and pain. With each layer we became more fragile until one day we had a castle around our heart.

If you find a girl who doesn’t have a brick wall, I hope you leave her that way.

You shouldn’t chase until you have something worth chasing after. The chase is your opportunity to give your words meaning. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll have that opportunity. Don’t waste it. Don’t let pride, arrogance, or conceit rob you of the chance of true love because it does exist.
