An open letter to the cousin that couldn't care less about family.

Subject: An open letter to the cousin that couldn't care less about family.
From: Your cousin who's getting the last laugh.
Date: 16 Apr 2016


I was shocked by your behavior towards me especially after everything my parents did for you and your mother when you were little. After you were the flower girl when I married my now ex husband. After you moved here and my now fiancé and I went out of our way for you so many times. It didn't take long for me to realize my presence was only desired when you needed a favor. You acted like you cared only to stomp all over my feelings when I confronted you.

What's even more disturbing is your utter lack of love, respect and concern for anyone in our family. When I called you to ask if you were okay after hearing that our uncle was terminally ill and you said that you, "never really knew him anyways." The time you told me that you don't particularly care for Grandma and didn't want to say hi when she called. Even worse, not showing up for our uncle's memorial service and saying you were "snowed in and couldn't make it." Well, I live just 15 miles from you and I made it there IN MY CAR just fine. You drive an SUV! I don't know if I've ever heard such a blatant lie.

I'm not the only one that has noticed your cold and callous behavior either. I heard a few comments from our other family members while attending the memorial. People are on to you.

You had no problem making it to your destination wedding just a few months later though. It was snowing here right around that time too. How did you manage? You weren't snowed in for that!? You even took it a step further and didn't even bother to tell our Grandmother! You wouldn't even be on this planet if it wasn't for her! Show some respect!

Needless to say, you've made it more than obvious that the only thing getting a degree taught you was how to be a shallow and immature little girl. You're not a woman, not even close. To be a lady you would have to realize the value of your family which you clearly do not. You may be miss popularity now but, trust me honey, it doesn't last. One day, you're going to reach a point in your life when you'll wish you had the support of your family. It's going to hurt pretty badly when you realize you've burned all those bridges.

Family lasts forever, that's why it's so important to treat your family right. You'll learn your lesson the hard way. You can think I don't know what I'm taking about all you want. I've got almost ten years on you. Everybody ends up needing their family at some point in their lives. You're no exception.

Its ok though, I already am getting the last laugh watching you make a fool of yourself. Everyone will eventually see how full of it you really are. Some already do.

Your older and much wiser cousin
