Open Letter to Chinese Millennials

Subject: Open Letter to Chinese Millennials
Date: 3 Sep 2015

This is a criticism of our generation. Not generation as in "the millennials" overall, but specifically millennials that of Chinese decent, including myself.

I realized today that we are hypocrites. We spend time laughing and criticizing others for their faults and failures, yet we don't recognize our own. The privileged flaunt our wealth recklessly and the under-privileged spend our days green with envy and call the privileged names like "prince-lings" and "富二代".

To the privileged: do we forget the struggles made by our parents? Our families and our childhood raised us with quotes like "Ask not what your country could do for you, ask what you can do for your country" (John F. Kennedy) and "With great power comes great responsibility" (Stan Lee/Issac Asimov), yet we are the first to waste the same blessings our families, our country and our God has graciously offered us.

To the under-privileged: how do we have the audacity to criticize others when we struggle to pay for something simple like dinner, or rent? How can we criticize people whose life goal is to get married and have a family when we struggle on a daily basis just to find a boyfriend/girlfriend?

We need to take a lesson from the selfless millennials who dedicate their lives to service; who believe in social responsibility; who devote their life for public interest and community.

We need to reflect and carry out the Confucian values our families have instilled in us. Even something as simple as refraining from being judgmental, or helping out a elderly man pick something up and carrying it to his car, without expecting a thankyou because it was your honor to assist him in his time of need.

Lastly, we must remember that no one owes us anything; we are actually indebted to the world because we forget to count our blessings, these same blessings gifted to us by our families, our country, and our God.
