An Open Letter To The Charlie Hebdo Terrorists

Subject: An Open Letter To The Charlie Hebdo Terrorists
From: Civilization
Date: 19 Jan 2016

Dear Assholes,

You attempted to strike a blow yesterday in Paris for your nutbag radical twisted form of Islam. You failed. You failed worse than Putin trying to show compassion. Yes, you claimed the lives of 12 people. You did. From everything I have seen and read over the past 24 hours your strike on Charlie Hebdo was well coordinated, thorough and tactical. On that front you succeeded.

But in every other form you failed miserably. I assume your goal was to strike a blow against those who would insult the prophets of Allah by killing a few people who drew cartoons for a living. I assume you felt this was a noble cause and that it would strike fear into those who dare desecrate Muhammad by drawing a picture of him or mocking him in any fashion. I assume you realize at the point that you again failed. If anything you have made those whom you attacked more resolute in their convictions and you have shed world wide attention on those you sought to silence.

I have been trying to see things from your perspective but I just can't. I am not an extremist in anything except popcorn. I am an extreme consumer of popcorn, I'll admit it. I go to the movies to eat popcorn not watch movies. I am the reason ethanol prices are so high. But fortunately, that's it. I am not politically nor religiously extreme so it is near impossible for me to see your point of view. I believe I speak for most when I say that actions like this do not help your cause.

You did not attack a few Parisians. You did not attack a satire magazine. You attacked a freedom. You attacked a persons right to freely express themselves. As the old Grail Knight said in the third and final Indiana Jones (Sorry the 4th one doesn't count) 'You chose poorly'. Freedom of expression is stronger then you will ever be. It is stronger then your radical twisted form of religion will ever be. The only way you can win is if you can silence everyone and that day will never come.

You are now on the run like animals somewhere in the woods outside of Paris. This is your life now. This is the path you have chosen to walk. You will be caught at some point. After you are caught you will face trial and be convicted of murder. You will suffer. Want to know what the three best results of this will be? Your names will eventually be forgotten and you will be alive to witness it. Your actions will have ultimately done nothing except the exact opposite of what you had planned and you will be alive to see it. The best result from all of this? When you die alone in your cold cell and your soul is released it will not transcend to Heaven. It will be dragged to Hell where it will suffer for all eternity because you are not worthy of a joyous afterlife in any religion.

So run, run for as long as you can because the longer you run the stronger we become.


