Open Letter To Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump & Anonymous - Expose Criminal Jeb Bush!

Subject: Open Letter To Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump & Anonymous - Expose Criminal Jeb Bush!
From: An Outraged Truther & American Voter
Date: 14 Jan 2016

Dear Gentlemen,

Giving us all lip service about how you will put a leash on Wall Street banksters means N O T H I N G unless you are willing to cut off the head of the snake. Americans are no longer ignorant sheep. 2008 was a painful wake-up call. 30% of Wall Street revenues are laundered drug monies and IT CAN BE PROVEN if people stop being murdered, jailed on false charges, or exiled to other countries while their American and Canadian families are terrorized by American agent thugs. This is what I am talking about:

If the above link is not enough to convince you Jeb is an outright criminal, try this:

BTW... this is not just some timely political slander. People like Daniel Hopsicker, Stew Webb, Rodney Stich, Chip Tatum, Bruce Gorcyca, and Erling Ingvaldsen have been talking about this stuff for years friends. DEA Agents have actually protested and resigned their jobs because of the cover-ups in Canada. Just investigate Canadians Mike Huxtable, Pierre Jeanette, and former FBI agent Terry Nelson. There is no statute of limitations on murder, and so far I count five of them. There are probably many more.
