An open letter to all the givers of the world.

Subject: An open letter to all the givers of the world.
From: Denise Parker
Date: 5 Aug 2016

I am writing this open letter to all the givers in the world. Those people who selflessly put the needs of others ahead of their own. While it is noble to help others, one needs to maintain a sense of balance. Givers tend to be genuinely interested in helping people by giving their time, energy and money. While it is commendable to assist those in need of help, givers must be aware of the users in the world. There are some people who will manipulate and use someone sincerely trying to help them. For that reason, givers need to establish clear boundaries with people. I've seen it happen all too frequently. Users will demand so much from a giver, to the point the giver becomes completely exhausted, physically and emotionally. When this happens the user will then move on to the next giver. Again, I'm not saying not to help someone in need. I want to emphasize the need to be balanced and not neglect your own health and well-being. It's also important for givers to realize that they are deserving of love, compassion and respect. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you and are uplift your spirits. I hope this letter has helped the givers of the world see that it's honorable to help others, just don't neglect yourself.
