My Grandpa

Subject: My Grandpa
From: Eldest Grandchild
Date: 15 Sep 2016

I am my grandparents eldest grandchild. I know many do not know me, only know the repeat tellings of others, you do not have to like me, I'm not bothered. But I feel compelled to write to you about my grandpa and what he means to me.

My grandpa, the only father I have ever known, and with my grandmother raised me most of my life. He is a husband of 62 years to my grandmother.

62 years of marriage, how many people can say that, not many.

I have so many fond memories with my grandpa. Our fishing expeditions to the ponds, he taught me to fish, to sit still & wait, be patient. So many times we sat in silence fishing, both content just to be together. He always had butterscotch candies in his top shirt pockets, even as a grown woman he would still pull one out his pocket and say 'here baby'. We also cracked many, many a pecan in our years together. During a winter storm, he teased me about all the socks I was putting on, but we treaded our way thru as had get those cows fed. I was his cowhand for my teenage years. And who knows how much popcorn and ice cream we consumed watching Sheriff Matt Dillion from Gunsmoke. When I was unwell during the winters, he would build up the fireplace really big, be a blazing. Grandpa made sure to tuck my blankets around me, he'd get up during the night to make sure fire was still going so I'd stay warm and toasty. I have so very many fond and happy memories of him that I will always cherish in my heart.

These past many months of 2016 from April/May onwards have been especially difficult. Knowing a loved one is very ill and then knowing his wife, son, grandchildren etc are being kept apart from him in a time when he needs to know he is loved and cared for is truly cruel, inhumane and just downright evil. The perpetrators know who they are, as I'm sure many are aware and I need not name them. Guilt and shame shall follow them for the rest of their life. As now he is at the end of his earthly life there is no way for them to redeem themselves. They are no take backs or do overs when such evil and devastation has been caused knowingly and willfully by these parties. To set out and destroy a husband and wife bond, destroy a father and son bond, destroy a Grandpa and grandchildren bond. This is wrong on many levels and not of God.

As hard as this time period has been and will continue being for those who love him so very much. And even though the evil doers kept him isolated away from us at the end of his earthly life for their own selfishness and gains. We truly know one day we will be reunited together with our Husband, Father, Grandpa, Uncle, Friend in heaven with all those have gone before. (Grandma Lizzie, Grandma Alameda, John, his brothers, etc.) Such a joyful reunion that will be! And our memories can never be robbed or taken away as he has been, because we have them in our hearts, always and forever!
