To My Fellow Americans no matter race, creed, color, gender identity or expression, relationship type or lack thereof

Subject: To My Fellow Americans no matter race, creed, color, gender identity or expression, relationship type or lack thereof
From: A Fellow American who needs and wants to be heard.
Date: 15 Nov 2016

I have never been so disappointed in my Fellow Americans than I have been since the day after the elections. Have you all lost your minds and I mean all of you?

I don't want to put you all down but I am truly deeply saddened by the behavior of people who think that they were cheated by the results of the election. Don't you realize we have a chance here to actually control the behavior of a president, to actually see what he is doing instead of hearing about it later after charges are already brought against him?
With this man in the Office of President we might actually see true and good changes for ALL instead of the same old shit that would have continued to remain the same under another Clinton Administration.
Also if you are so unhappy at this man's election then why didn't you protest against the elections of Daddy Bush, B. Clinton, Baby Bush and Obama?
Come on, people, give a real and radical change a chance. Let's give him his first 100 days and then go from there.

I hope that I have given you at least a few things to think about.

I am

R. Truman
