Looking for Real Change - Justin Trudeau

Subject: Looking for Real Change - Justin Trudeau
From: Alyshah Assar
Date: 21 Oct 2015
Go Canada Go

Congratulations Justin

Don't let anyone tell you that you are cashing in on your family name. The media is talking about the Trudeau dynasty and sort. As you mentioned in your victory speech "I didn't make history, you did". Well, thanks for your thoughtfulness.

Canadians need a change. Steven Harper had his mandate straight for a good amount of time. But with time like a sports athlete, lost sight of what is important now; not 10 years ago. And that frustrated my fellow citizens.

What We Expect
Your campaign's tag lines "We listened" and "Real Change". I request you to remember these important messages as change is the only thing that is constant. In the last 10 years Canadians have watched our core values stripped off of us. Values of tolerance, peace and growth. I hope you restore these soon :) not a big ask ehhh..

What We Really Want
Our needs and frustrations will change 4 years from now so please keep listening to Canadians as you have and filter all the noise and focus on what will need change then.

My thoughts
First time ever have I been so hopeful of change in the country I have grown so much affection for; please deliver our hope.

When the time comes, please give room to the young.

Aly Assar
Proud Canadian from B.C
