A letter to my partners friends who are offended by the way I dress

Subject: A letter to my partners friends who are offended by the way I dress
From: Incapable of having an intellectual conversation
Date: 2 Jun 2015

Quite frankly, you've all pissed me off and I think your all a bunch of sexist pigs to summarise the content of this letter. If anyone who this is directed at does actually come across this then congratulations, I am surprised you can remove your hand from your penis long enough to pick up your laptop.
The fact that you have gone behind my back to my partner to tell them, and I quote "I couldn't look at her face all night" summarises the kind of people you all are. And I couldn't be more thankful that you have made this clear to me. The fact that you believe that as a woman, I cannot wear what I want also shows you must have been brought up in the 18th century or have grown up on a farm with a bunch of other pigs, just like yourselves. I believe that as a woman, I have become successful in life, on my own. As hard as this is to believe, when I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I didn't care about the money or marrying a rich man to whom I could provide a family and a home too (I couldn't think of anything more horrific), my answer was simply that I wanted to be independent. I have grown up my whole life teaching myself along the way not to depend on anyone. And this has EVERYTHING to do with the way I was dressed on Sunday night. See the thing is, if I am dependent and IF I am more than capable of dressing myself, then I'm wise enough to not give a shit about your sexist asses. But the thing that pissed me off most is the fact that you couldnt clearly address me of your feelings maybe because you "couldnt look me in the face" because quite frankly "you didnt know where to look" So instead, you choose to spite me. So I have just one thing to say to you.. . How would you feel if that was your girlfriend?
