How Wuthering Heights Made Me Realize Child Abuse

Subject: How Wuthering Heights Made Me Realize Child Abuse
From: Gerardo Damian
Date: 22 Feb 2017

To all people,

In British Lit. I was assigned a classic book called “Wuthering Heights”. In the beginning, was having trouble reading the book then I got help and I started understanding the book well. The book I read was about a boy named Heathcliff who was an orphan and was adopted by Earnshaw. When Earnshaw dies, His son Hindley takes over and now has control and is abusing Heathcliff. He would now allow Catherine to see Heathcliff and would keep him in the attic when people came over. He was never nice to him but he loved Catherine. When Catherine marries someone else, Heathcliff escapes and leaves wuthering heights. When Catherine tries to get him back, he kidnaps her as a way of revenge. She later has a kid and Catherine dies from the delivery. Heathcliff’s son marries Catherine’s daughter. Edgar dies from an illness. Later Heathcliff dies too.
When reading the book, I wanted to know more about Heathcliff. In the middle of the start, Heathcliff was an orphan who was abused by Hindley and not treated well (pg. 79). He would get locked up or not eat in the dinner table (pg. 62). When he got out, he because abusive himself towards Edgar and Catherine. He also abused Hareton and Catherine’s daughter because of their close relationship. This allowed me to compare this with the topic of child abuse. In the topic, kids would get abused and most grow up and turn into abusers themselves.
I chose this topic because I can’t imagine the life of a kid being abused because most of the time, it doesn’t end well. This is a sickening issue that doesn’t need to happen. I also chose it because this topic fits well with the part in the story where Heathcliff is mistreated. This is easily comparable and like in real life, later on the person abused would now be the abusers. I also chose this issue because I couldn’t find a better issue in the story to compare in the real world other than abuse, which occurred throughout the story. This could also be a message to people to not mistreat no one or there might be consequences. The issue shows real life results and facts that could fit well with the event in the story.
A common problem in the world is child abuse. This is when a child is getting abused in a physical or mental way. Most of the time, they get abuse from the parents by not taking care of them properly. Most of the kids abused grow up to abuse others themselves. This could make them struggle in life like trouble finding a job, struggle on making money or locked up. There are more than 2 million cases in the U.S. that child abuse occurs. About 60% will be arrested as a juvenile and 30% are likely to commit a violent crime. About 5 children die every day because of child abuse. Most of the abuse comes from a family member. A boy and a girl almost have the same rate on who gets abused the more with the boy having 45% and girl having 50%. A child abuse case is recorded every 10 seconds. This crime can also happen in foster cares where they would be mistreated.
The purpose of this letter is to get the message out of what can happen when you are mistreated or if you mistreat someone. This is to provide facts about abuse and how it’s compared to a simple story of someone who was abused. This is a message for the people to notice the danger it can bring towards others and yourself. When people realize, they could try to solve this problem and notice it by reading this. It’s a common problem that needs to be controlled. No kid should be hit or mistreated. They should pay more attention towards them and take care of them.
The book made me think on how there are people in the world who go over something similar like this as well. This also made me think of the results it gives when someone is dealing with this. I wanted to research more about the issue and how it could be compared to the story. I was shocked to see a lot of facts about child abuse and it was easily comparable to the story. I ran across stories of people dealing with a similar abuse. This is a good topic to learn about and realize the effects it brings. The book was a good story with good scenes in it. This was my first time reading a classic and I enjoyed reading about it. In the begging like I said, I was having trouble reading but then I got the hang of it and wanted to know more about the book. I recommend reading this book or another classic because you might get something interesting out of it like I did.
