HELP! I am the ghost of John "Jack" Wheeler a Presidential aide to Bush and Cheney -Please solve my rude murder and put Cheney behind bars!

Subject: HELP! I am the ghost of John "Jack" Wheeler a Presidential aide to Bush and Cheney -Please solve my rude murder and put Cheney behind bars!
From: A government employee who could not ignore corruption any longer
Date: 9 May 2016

My murder is now 16 years old and the FBI refuse to investigate my death even though I worked at the White House, Pentagon, and SEC and had high security clearances. Just because they found my body in the dump, they say the local police should handle the matter. The truth is that they know who murdered me, a professional hit man that was hired by Dick Cheney. Why? There are five reasons and all of them would be national scandals had I lived. I was about to blow the whistle with The Guardian, Seymour Hersh at the New York times and the old Newsweek magazine. I had worked as a consultant and investigator on sensitive matters including.

* The 911 WTC7 building demolition. I often visited the DEA/IRS joint task force office on the 24th & 25th floor of the 47 story Solomon Smith Barney to feed tips to Special agent S who convinced me that the SEC Directors were mostly corrupt and used to shield national leaders like the Bush family, Jack Goldberg, the Koch brothers, the officers of Goldman Sachs, Frank Carlucci, Paul Wolfowitz, Henry Kissinger, and themselves from insider trader accusations. I was tipped off in 2009 about the real story about Enron and why one of my old bosses Dick Cheney had to get the Supreme Court to seal his diary, files, and visitor logs. Through off-shore purchases of unregistered Enron shares he earned almost $500,000,000 from a $20 million purchase, both as the shares bolted towards the sky in 1999 and again when the share price dropped like rock. He actually coached Ken Lay when to make announcements. I thought I was the only one who knew this secret until a Vietnam Vet friend of mine told me he met another old veteran who was exiled in China after federal agents stole his book manuscripts and set him up for a fake extradition after the man went to Canada and filed a refugee claim. Here is his story and and afterI was introduced to him he told me about an honest DEA and RCMP that was willing to help. We combined our resources but my sudden murder was a spoiler that scared off one of the agents.

*Before I was introduced to the exiled whistle blower in China I had been busy working to collect evidence of two other scandals i had either witnessed first hand, or was asked to investigate including the 23 millionaires created by 911 on the stock market as explained here: On 911, I was supposed to meet with Casper Weinberger, Donald Rumsfield, and George Shultz at the WTC but I received a call from Henry Kissinger who had arranged the meeting on the morning of 9/10/01. Kissinger advised me to "stay out of NYC on 911" and he claimed there were air defense war games and urban terrorist drills going on that would congest the city. He said the meeting would be rescheduled for the following week. Strangely I received a call from another friend of mine that evening who worked with at the Israeli consulate and she also warned me not to go to New York the next day. Needless to say I did not go to New York on 9/11. They obviously were tipped off.

The fellow who I talked with in China sent me some recordings, photographs and documents that told me about how his FBI Wall Street informant associate Al Cjalem was executed while wearing a wire for the FBI in his girlfriend's Jersey home, and how he and his wife had received calls from Chalem and the same death threats from the same people as Chalem. At first I was skeptical of this incredible story but after I read the report of Private Investigator Ed Reiken and read a few chapters of his book, I realized we were rowing the same boat.

We both had the goods on Cheney and Jeb Bush and I was just one week away of getting my hands on the last missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle, that would implicate both Arthur Levitt and Harvey Pit and Senator Hillary Clinton of "willful ignorance". I had planned to meet FBI agent Tom Doktor and my friend Jimmy was making the arrangements. We would discuss the basis of the Wall Street insider trading and the $1B of drug monies being laundered every year to keep the bulls running. Read

After I compared his notes and research of my own, I decided I was going to stop rowing that point and put an outboard motor on this boat. I would tell all I knew about the SEC and Wall Street
corruption, Cheney's group of inside traders, and my knowledge of Cheney's scheme to cause a nuclear missile detour and a possible falso flag dirty bomb incident that would be blamed on Iranian or Al Qaeda extremists as explained here.

I was also secretary of the SEC and my friends at WTC7 told me they were getting excited as they were making plans to a arrest a Florida attorney named Stephen J. Finta but the DOJ was holding up the show. They told me that Finta was the man who would roll over on more than a dozen people including Jeb Bush, Mike Huxtable, corrupt FBI agent Terry Nelson, and a mobster in Ottawa named Fischetti. They said these players and a dozen more would come down like a house of cards once Finta began talking about the massive cocaine smuggling into Canada supervised by Jeb and operated by Nelson, Huxtable, Goldberg, and Fischetti. I would contribute my evidence as well which was the SEC files proving their knowledge of the drug monies, American Financial Group, and dozens of transaction codes to Morgan & Morgan and Morymor Trust in Panama and the Bahamas. Bruce, Jimmy, and I were sure of our success. At last just would be served for Cliff Baxter, Gonyou, and the other murder victims. Cheney might not go to prison in the end, but just the public exposure of getting the truth into the sunshine would be reward enough for all of us. Read.

But I had no idea my phones and emails were being monitored. After all I was supposed to be a trusted insider. I thought my work for Mitre and all my top secret security clearances would get me a pass on the surveillance meant for most Americans. I guessed wrong I suppose.

The night I was murdered, I thought I would be meeting with Tom Doktor. I guess it was a trick. Someone drugged me and tried to push me into the trunk of a car, but I am no slouch. I got away but frankly I felt as if I had just drunk a bottle of Johnny Walker and had a hard time finding my way to somewhere safe. Then i just walked into one too many shadows and heard a loud thud as everything just went black. That's all I can recall. Rising above the smelly mess, I saw the shocked looked on their faces as I tumbled out of the garbage truck into the landfill.

My poor wife Katherine. They have been lying to her for the last six years. They know damn well who killed me. At least I can rest in some peace knowing that I served America as best as could, and had I lived just one month longer, there would at least be less corruption on Wall Street and at the SEC today. The HSBC case was the very tip of the massive iceberg of drug monies that accounts for 23% of all buys on NASDAQ and NYSE today. I apologize for dying sooner than I expected - Please forgive me this last failure, but I tried my very best. Hopefully Jimmy, Tom, and Bruce can finish this story and put the screws to Scooter gand Nelson. They know most everything and Manfredonia and Tyler were on the right track too. The corruption overlaps with many CEO's, the SEC, and Jeb Bush. Senator Clinton had the chance to stop it all, but i think she may have been blackmailed into silence because of Mena and the two young boys found on the railroad tracks. Bruce and I had collected most of the pieces but not all of them. Maybe with the below three links YOU can solve this puzzle for yourself...
