To Grandma Hillary from Grandma Joanie

Subject: To Grandma Hillary from Grandma Joanie
From: Joanie G
Date: 28 Oct 2016

Dear Grandma Hillary,

This heartfelt letter is from one grandma to another hoping you see that the "smallest of the small" grandbabies need to be protected and loved so they can one day be held by their grandmas.  There are many who support and speak up for moms and their choice, but when that choice involves the end of our grandbabies, living human beings, who don't have a voice, nor a choice, then it's grandmas like you and me that need to speak up, yell if necessary, their choice and their words that they cannot utter, "I want to live!"

With the technically advanced 3D and 4D Ultrasounds, our grandchildren are no longer hidden. We clearly see them and so how can we turn a blind eye to them in the womb?  We clearly hear their heartbeats at 6 weeks of life and so how can we turn a deaf ear to them?  We see and hear our grandchildren!  There is no doubt they are living human beings, and so we grandmas have a responsibility, as do all human beings, to protect their precious little lives.

If our daughters choose to abort, there will be the death of our grandchildren!  Our laws should not protect their deaths and yet they do.  Grandma Hillary, I invite you to come to Maryland to see for yourself what is happening in Germantown, by the hands of abortionist, Leroy Carhart. There are about 5 late-term babies killed per week here in my town, and it's perfectly legal in this state to have a baby aborted right up to the day he/she is born, even at nine months.  These late-term grandbabies could live outside the womb, and in the rare case that the baby is a threat to the mom's life, could be delivered instead of aborted.

Grandma Hillary, imagine Chelsea making the choice to end the life of your grandbabies at seven, eight or nine months, when your arms are ready and aching to hold them.  The loss would be horrific because they could be delivered alive rather than painfully, cruelly killed by the hands of a doctor, who has sworn to save lives.

Babies at Carhart’s clinic in Germantown, Maryland don't have a say in their mom's choice.  Mom’s are choosing death for their babies week after week down the street from where this grandma lives, for almost 6 years now.  Moms are choosing to terminate the beautiful baby growing inside of them, at a stage when they could survive outside the womb if delivered.

Grandma Hillary, should we grandmas stand by and watch this murder of innocent babies without saying anything?  It's not a matter of Government stepping in to take away a mom's choice, but rather a matter of saving a baby from a horrible, brutal and painful death.

I clearly see how much you love your grandchildren when I see pictures of you with them.  Did you love them any less before they were born?  Do you remember the thrill and anticipation you felt when Chelsea told you she was having a baby and you were going to be a grandma?  I’m certain you would give up your life to save your grandchildren, as would I, but the difference between us grandmas, is that I would give up my life to save my unborn grandchildren.  Because of your extreme support for abortion, I'm saddened that you would not do the same.

This grandma is sick at heart that you, a grandma, attacked in May 2015 the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which was written to protect unborn babies 20 weeks and older from excruciating pain in late abortions.  This grandma can’t imagine how in good conscience you could not even support the ban on partial-birth abortions!  Just thinking about the horror of such an act should hurt your heart your soul, and make you cringe, but you are against the ban.  You are against protecting innocents, who feel pain and are being brutally killed.  Why don't you want to scream out in horror against these atrocities!?

I'm imploring you, as one grandma to another to change your heart and embrace life at its very beautiful miraculous beginning, in the womb, where all our beautiful grandbabies begin.  I appeal to you to consider what choice your own grandbabies in the womb would make if asked.  Please help save the unborn instead of working to the extreme to end their lives.

Grandma Hillary, I'm ending this open letter how I began.....hoping you see that the "smallest of the small" grandbabies need to be protected and loved so they can one day be held by their grandmas.

Most heartfelt,
Joanie G