Debunk, Brutally Destroy and Lay Waste To, Or Maybe Use Alternative Facts To Support Your Point Of View?

Subject: Debunk, Brutally Destroy and Lay Waste To, Or Maybe Use Alternative Facts To Support Your Point Of View?
Date: 20 Feb 2017

I recently came across a story in a few different places on the internet. Titled something like "Ben Shapiro Debunks Transgenderism!!" or "Ben Shapiro Brutally Destroys Millennial Complaining About Transgender Rights!!" or even this nuanced, well balanced gem "BOOM! Ben Shapiro Lays Waste To Vapid Leftist In Transgender Debate", the story, always on a very conservative site, then goes on to detail how conservative speaker Ben Shaprio "debunks", "brutally destroys" and "lays waste to" both transgender individuals and their rights. How does he do so? With time honoured anti-trans arguments such as "If I call you a moose, are you suddenly a moose?" and asking a 22 year old "Why aren't you 60? Why can't you identify as 60?" as well as citing a study on transgender suicide rates.
How can you even debate someone who tries to trivialize being trans by claiming it's the same as trying to be a moose or adding 40 years to your age? That constitutes "brutally destroying" and "laying waste to" an argument? I thought it seemed like a flippant, childish response to an issue that is very serious to a lot of people. There have been a number of studies that have concluded the brain of trans people is markedly similar to the brain of the sex they identify as, BEFORE they take steps towards transitioning. Comparing that to being a moose or three times your age is so ridiculous it's almost not worth mentioning, an idiotic response trying to justify someone's anti-trans stance.
Next came the study that Shapiro claims shows "it makes no difference, virtually no difference statistically speaking, as to whether people recognize you as a transgender person or not" as well as "The normal suicide rate across the United States is four percent; the suicide rate in the transgender community is 40 percent. The idea that 36 percent more transgender people are committing suicide because people are mean to them is ridiculous. It’s not true, and it’s not backed by any science that anyone can cite. It is pure conjecture." Now both of these claims came as a surprise to me , as any study I have seen says the opposite, so I set out to find the study Shaprio refers to. Having found what I assume is the study he mentions, I found it doesn't in any way support his clams, but more seems to "debunk", "brutally destroy" and "lay waste to" them, assuming such things aren't the sole custody of angry right wingers.
The study shows "lifetime suicide attempts were found
to be lowest (36%) among respondents who said
people can “never” tell they are transgender or gender
non-conforming. Suicide attempts were reported
by higher percentages of those who said people can
“always” (42%) or “most of the time” (45%) tell they are
transgender or gender non-conforming." Further it showed that in the workplace 56% of trans who were repeatedly and purposely misgendered (referred to by the wrong pronoun) had attempted suicide; those numbers seem to show a statistical difference.
Next, Shapiro's claim that it's "ridiculous" that some trans people become suicidal after being the victims of mental or physical abuse (or as he arrogantly puts it "because people are mean to them") ; this is not even remotely borne out by this study. It shows the number of trans who attempted suicide after being harassed or bullied in elementary and junior high school is 50%; in high school and college the numbers rise to 52% and 54% respectively. Among those who have been physically assaulted the numbers are even more terrifying: 63% in elementary school, 64% in Jr. high and 68% in high school and college have made a suicide attempt. If sexual assault is considered the numbers rise once again: 73% in elementary school and Jr. high, 69% in high school and 78% in college. How someone could look at these numbers and derisively claim it's "ridiculous" and mock abuse as being "mean to them" is baffling and infuriating; I realize many of these right wing speakers are merely trying to say controversial things to get a rise out of people, but it's time they realized these are real people, suffering so much they consider ending their lives. Mocking that is indefensible.
The authors of the study themselves state "Two interrelated risk factors appear to be most strongly related to suicidal behavior among transgender and gender non-conforming
adults: rejection, discrimination, victimization, and violence related to anti-transgender bias and serious mental health conditions." Now before you say "Aha, mental health issues, I knew it!" they also say "many specific experiences of rejection, discrimination, victimization, and violence were found to be significantly related to having a disabling mental health condition". So in essence what they are saying is bullying, rejection, discrimination and/or violence when combined with mental health issues can lead to suicidal tendencies and that bullying, rejection, discrimination and/or violence can lead to mental health issues. A vicious circle and one Mr Shapiro conveniently ignores. It seems Shapiro picks and chooses what "facts" are appropriate when laying waste to issues.
Okay, so I think it's obvious that I couldn't disagree with Ben Shapiro more on this issue. I feel he's wrong in every aspect of his argument. But for argument's sake let's say he's right. Let's say he's right when he says trans are merely boys who think they're girls and vice versa. To Shapiro and those who agree with him, I ask why? Why do you think the way you do? Shapiro says "if you’re going to dictate to me that I’m supposed to pretend, I’m supposed to pretend that men are women and women are men, no. My answer is no. I’m not going to"; again I ask why? You've read the numbers, 56% of trans who are repeatedly misgendered attempt suicide. What makes you think that calling a trans woman "she" or a trans man "he" is such a burden to you that it makes the fact that they may attempt to take their own life inconsequential? You're so smugly certain you are superior that you can't be bothered to make the slightest effort to help someone feel better about themselves? Despite what you choose to believe, these people living their lives as best they can is not negatively influencing you one iota; is a little human decency too much to ask? It seems in your case that's more of an effort than you are willing to make. I almost feel sorry for you.
It's estimated that .3% of the population of America is transgender. That sounds like a low number, but if we assume the same applies to Canada that means there's well in excess of one million trans people in those two nations alone. Over 1,000,000 people. Shapiro and those like him are willing to say these people have something wrong with them. The most charitable among Shapiro and his ilk say these people need help, they need to be "cured" of their "delusions"; the less charitable say much, much worse. Can you imagine what that does to someone who is struggling with these feelings? To be told you have a mental disorder and need to stop feeling how you feel because it's wrong? Despite the fact it is hurting no one, it's what you know in your heart to be true? The study mentioned above claims that bullying and discrimination can lead to mental issues, which then can combine with that bullying and discrimination to lead to suicidal thoughts. Wouldn't our world be much better off if we accepted these people and didn't add to the bullying and discrimination? Because if you disagree, like Shapiro and his supporters do, you are in effect saying you're okay with the fact over 600,000 people will attempt to take their own lives. Now I don't believe Shapiro really wants that, he wants controversy so people will continue to pay him to speak. As far as those who are so happy to see headlines about him "destroying transgenderism", I believe many of them truly don't want that either, they just haven't thought about the repercussions of their actions. I'm asking them to do so now, asking them would they be so quick to judge if a member of their family came out as trans? Would you be okay with the fact your son or daughter had a 40% chance of being suicidal, or would you support and accept them, love them and do everything in your power to see to it that they had a happy, productive life?
Finally I'd like to speak to any trans who may read this. Don't let articles like these get you down. Don't let people like this make you question yourself. The truth is, as much as they would disagree, they are in the minority. Most people are decent and accepting, they support you and wish you well. Just because someone yells louder doesn't make them right. Some times it may not seem it, but the world really is a beautiful place; never forget it's even more beautiful because you are a part of it.
