Dear Republicans and The GOP

Subject: Dear Republicans and The GOP
From: Ignored angry voter
Date: 11 Dec 2015

I heard today that The GOP is holding secret meetings to decide what to do about the presidential race and the current leader in the polls. We the people are having our freedoms and our rights taken away a little at a time every day by our very own president, whom you supposedly disagree with. So why are you behaving exactly like him? Are we to become a communist nation? Are you liberals in GOP clothing? Do you think you can change the rules of the law just because you don't like the way the outcome is leaning?

We the people are tired of you. We are tired of liberal excuses and backwards talking and we are tired of power players in politics bending and curving the laws of this land to further your agendas. We are tired of empty promises of change, only to discover they were lies to get you in office. We are tired of electing men and women we trusted who betray us. We are tired of weakness and fear. We are tired of the Constitution of the United States being used as a doormat for you to wipe your dirty feet on.

Consider this your pink slip if you think you can subvert the election process. You will support whomever WE THE PEOPLE elect as our Presidential Nominee no matter who it is, or you will be fired. You will not win election the next time around. We will make sure of it. What you are going to do is stand up and FIGHT for us and do the job you promised when you were running for office. You are going to protect and uphold the Constitution, as you swore you would. We will not take anymore Rhinos. You are either for us, or against us. No more middle ground.

We The People
