Dear Hillary Supporter

Subject: Dear Hillary Supporter
From: The Rural Rust Belt
Date: 10 Nov 2016

Please let me start by offering my condolences. We can feel and see your pain. We know the pain because we were preparing ourselves to be the recipients of this pain for some time now. I, for one, thought that a very adequate job had been done of painting President Elect Trump as the true leader of, what could only be, the deplorable far right. If they failed in that mission it was not due to lack of effort. I am not crying foul. I understand their trepidation. This was a cringe worthy campaign all around. So my feelings for your concern are genuine.

But you need to know something about us. The voter that probably pushed the surge that gave the victory to Donald Trump. We are not what you think we are. Allow me to explain.

I am transplanted from a major city to rural Ohio. I know the best and worst of both worlds. As you form a mental picture of me sitting in very small town ohio what do you see? Am I sitting in my single wide typing on a 10 year old pc? Am I in my pickup truck parked in a spot where I may receive a trickle of data service on my flip phone? Am I sporting my fresh rebel flag tattoo on my forearm? Well I can tell you none of those are true of me. Can't say the same for many people I know here. But I can tell you this. Those people are not what you have been led to believe they are.

The small rural town voice is not racist, homophobic, misogynistic, or intolerant. Very far from it. These people are accepting, hard working, loving, proud men and women. They are patriots that want to see the best America possible for themselves and everyone else. They may be ignorant to city life but they are scholars of struggle. They are survivors. They are givers and compassionate. I can assure you that any man or woman is welcome to our town celebration no matter color, religion, sexual preference or political belief. Not only are those people welcome but they are wanted.

One thing I have learned since moving here is the sense of pride these men and women get from being able to help their neighbor. Let me give you a quick example. I have a bad heart. No need to go into details other then to let you know that I did not grow up here. I don't have roots from childhood growing in this poor Ohio county. But these people come out of the woodwork to help and give when they have nothing for themselves. They always check on me and make sure I lack nothing. Even though they don't have much themselves. They leave me feeling humble and blessed every day of my lifr. I pray that when I am in the position to give as they do that I will do it without consideration.

So when they cast their vote it wasn't out of racism. It wasn't because they were scared of an immigrant invasion. It wasn't even due to our POTUS shaming us into creating non gender bathrooms. It was to see the greatest america they could see for everyone involved.

They are tired. They are worn out. These are the men and women that work 2 jobs so their kid can play a sport. Or so they can just keep the heat on in the winter. These people go to work and go to work again and come home to very little. At the same time they are still completely selfless and full of pride because they are doing it right.

They don't want bigger government. They don't want to be useless consumers of government entitlements. They want jobs! They want decent jobs. They aren't looking for CEO positions. They want to earn a good wage for a hard days work. They want to provide for their families and each other without the threat of our one or two manufacturers relocating out of country for cheaper labor. They also know who is to blame for that.

These people voted for their lives. Their way of life and means to support the ones they love. Shame on anyone who thinks any different. For everyone protesting this election so be it. That is your right and I support it. But instead of wasting so much energy on burning down your homes and committing violence, take a trip to the country. Go meet the people who voted Trump into office. Ease your fear. Go hang out at a local diner and put an effort out to make friends. I bet you would be very surprised. But I am ultimately safe in feeling that you will see us in a whole new light.

My true prayer for this country is unity. We need dialogue to see where each other stands. Once we have that let's meet middle ground. We are not enemies. This is a big country with room for every belief. This is a country that prides itself on being the melting pot. That is for everyone from every background. Not just us white christian males. We are more than happy to share. We are more than happy to contribute and love each other. We ask the same from you.

I have come to the conclusion in life that my belief system isn't the same for everyone. And that is beautiful. I couldn't imagine a country full of guys like me. I can be stubborn and a fool at times. Wow I wouldn't even want to live in the United States of me. So if we, the deplorables, can understand that and give absolute respect to the desires and beliefs of others why can't the others do the same for us?

I am not asking people for monumental change. I am only asking for everyone to take a step back. Turn off the media for a day. Don't listen to any talking head that is filling you full of fear and hate and think for yourself. Learn for yourself. Research for yourself. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

This is a big country. Let's focus on what we have in common. Let's find common ground to come together. Let's celebrate our differences because no one wants to live in the United States of themselves. How boring would that be?
