Dear Dad: My Promises to You

Subject: Dear Dad: My Promises to You
From: Your daughter, who will always be your little girl
Date: 11 Nov 2016

Despite everything, you are the strongest man I know. I will always admire you. You show your strength even at your weakest. You are inspiring, and I hope to grow up and be like you and Mom. You never gave up on me, even when I was a hormonal toddler or when I was a troubled teen. No matter where the sickness takes us, I want you to know these things. Dad, these are my promises to you.

1. I will take care of myself, because I know it hurt you when I was battling my eating disorder.
2. I will watch A Christmas Story every Christmas, no matter how old I get. It's a tradition that I will never let die.
3. I will never lose the values I share with you.
4. I will always remember that you were the first man to ever love me.
5. I will always appreciate what I have, because I know that life could be worse.
6. I will do my best to make the world a better place.
7. I will always be gentle, no matter how angry something makes me.
8. I will always remember what you taught me. Everything about faith, about others, and about life.
9. I will always be stubborn when it comes to things I believe in.
10. I will never stop listening to Garth Brooks.
11. I will always see the good in people until they give me a reason not to.
12. I will never doubt that there is a God, because I have seen Him do wonderful things.
13. I will never cheer for the Hawkeyes, only the Huskers.
14. I will never stop telling bad jokes.
15. I will do my best to never disappoint my future children, because you have never disappointed me.
16. I will never give up on the people who have always been there for me.
17. I will find strength in my weaknesses.
18. I will find the sunshine in every dark situation.
19. I will always be kind. I will not let the world turn me into a hateful person.
20. I will never stop believing in miracles, even if we don’t get one.

Thank you for raising me to be someone who fears confidently. I am afraid, but I am confident that God is working here. No matter where this illness takes us, it is part of a plan. I love you, and I will always strive to be as strong as you.
