Dear Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz,

Subject: Dear Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz,
From: A Constituent
Date: 17 Dec 2015

I write to you as as part of a group consisting greatly of your constituents.
We are disappointed, yet we are hopeful. Here is why:
As per the disappointment;
We lobbied your offices. We bombarded the phone lines. We tired our fingers by writing you letters and emails, time and time again.
And you voted PRO the deal.
We put our vote of confidence in you, we elected you to represent our needs and our voices, and our voices were cut down and you voted PRO the deal.
You voted pro the deal, and by doing so you took part in handing over fifty billion dollars sent to Iran, one the biggest financial supporters of terrorism. You voted pro the deal, and by doing so you took part in trusting a Country that screams "Death to America" on its sidewalks. You voted pro the deal, and by doing so you slapped our greatest ally, Israel, in the face.
We are disappointed.
But we are still hopefully.
We are still waiting.
We are still writing to you, calling you, coming to your offices. We still believe that you can put our Pro-Israel voices into your pool of thoughts and have an impact on Congress and on your peers in Congress.
We now ask for something new- for a new angel. We ask that you remember your foundation, remember OUR goals, remember the importance of an strong American relationship with Israel, the only stable democracy in the entire middle east.
We ask that you push for an increase in budgeting for Israel when the Congress votes. We beg for an increase in offensive budget, now that Israel faces every threat foreseeable in the middle east and globally. This, of course, benefits the United States as well, being that most of the money spent will be directly from US equipment.

We ask that you fuel our vision for a strengthened American-Israeli partnership, and that you help us regain our trust in you.
We are hopefully.
