For The Cast and Crew of Arrow

Subject: For The Cast and Crew of Arrow
From: A grateful fan
Date: 23 Aug 2016

Dear Cast and Crew of Arrow,

If you're reading this then thank you, if it bores you or it seems pointless but I felt like I had to say it now or I never will.

I want to say thank you to every single person who has ever contributed to making this show happen. You are truly for so many reasons but if I was to type them all I'd never stop typing.

I started watching Arrow three years ago, during one of the most horrendous years of my life. I accidentally came across it whilst flicking through the TV whilst hiding out at a friends house and not wanting to speak to the world. I had just left a horrible and abusive relationship and I was at rock bottom. I only stopped flicking because I noticed "Kyle from New Girl" in the show. It was a repeat of a Season 1 episode and I still remember thinking how amazing Felicity was. She was badass and smart but still held her own around Oliver and Diggle. I started watching the show regularly and became interested in the cast and crew outside of the show too.

I followed you all on Twitter and Facebook etc and your posts about your lives and projects made me smile. It felt like I was a part of something.

I'm sorry about the ramble but I just wanted to give some context. As I watched Arrow and followed you all on social media it began to inspire me to do better in my life. On the show I saw the characters take a beating a go through hell and still stand back up and carry on. And whilst I realise it's a make believe show there was still applicable lessons to my life. Felicity, Sara, Thea, Laurel and all the other strong female characters showed me that I don't have to always be the victim, that I can be strong and my past doesn't have to define who I am.

In real life you showed me that so long as I'm happy in my own skin it doesn't matter what others say about me (so long as I'm not harming others). You've inspired me to start helping others too, as that's one of the most fulfilling things I can do with my life. You've stood up for and/or spoken out on behalf of those who don't have a voice and you've made me feel like I do matter.

Three years from when I started watching Arrow, I've lost 56lbs, I live in a nice neighbourhood and am now an elementary school teacher. I've gone from not knowing who I am or what I'm doing with my life, to having an amazing life. And that is in no small part due to the influence Arrow has had on my life.

I'm sorry I'll never be able to truly show you all how amazing you are, in person. Also I'm sorry if this makes no sense as I just wanted to get it all out. I don't expect a reply but I just wanted to say thank you and let you know how much you do for me and for countless other fans.
