Black Lives Matter vs. Islamic Terror

Subject: Black Lives Matter vs. Islamic Terror
Date: 17 Sep 2016

Ok so my thoughts on this are that the same people saying “Black Lives Matter” tend to be the ones saying “all Islamic people are not terrorists”. Now both statements are true of course, however, the two statements are a bit contradictory when placed together. As you take an objective look at the numbers, cops account for a VERY small percentage of the total black people killed in America every year. Cops are responsible for well under 5% of the murders of black people per year. So therefore, yes, one person killed by the cops is TOO many, however, it still is a VERY small contribution to the total number of black people killed. Yet it is pushed to the forefront as THE most pressing issue. It is put on covers of magazines. It is protested. It is everywhere!! Yet when it comes to Islamic people, the same people seem to have a very different approach. In terms of terrorist attacks, in the US, there is a better chance of being struck by lighting. And so due to this, of course all Islamic people should not be regarded as terrorists, and terrorists should not be the most pressing issue, as of course, again, yes, one person killed by a terrorist is too many, however, it is only but a fraction of the problem. Now, many people are saying that “Islamic attacks account for such a small percentage of American deaths, stop focusing on it!”. And yes, again, this is very true, however, this is a totally different logic than people take to the idea of “Black Lives Matter”! In “BLM”, we are supposed to focus on the fraction (the >1% of unarmed black people being killed by cops every year), and you are said to be “racist” if you focus on something else— twitter likes to call it "diversion tactics”!! Meanwhile, in the same breath, it is also “racist” to worry about Islamic attacks when they account for such a small percentage of American deaths! Both account for a small percentage, however, one is convent to push, the other not so much. Furthermore, cops are widely regarded as “bad” in this generation, whereas if Islamic people are bad it is to say “not all Islamic people are terrorists sit down racist”…. yet… with the cops….????? Very hypocritical to say the least. And then people say, oh, well, cops never speak up publicly to say what the other one did was wrong! Well… how do you truly know that? How many cops have you talked to? And do you expect other Islamic people to step up to say that someone in their religion messed up? No. No one cares. So keep the arguments consistent please… thank you.
