An Apology to the World

Subject: An Apology to the World
From: MF Mathews
Date: 10 Nov 2016

Dear World,

I am sorry, for the horror in store. I fear that the world may need to prepare for another WWIII. We barely recover from one war when another is around the corner. My family has been around for to many wars brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, friends and family dying so that we can live on, for what? So that we can fight in another war, so we can find more ways to kill each other. We created a weapon of mass destruction and put it in the hands of the schoolyard bully we gave him an army and more power than any child should have.
You gave us a home and like children we have run rampant destroying as we go. Will we ever learn from our mistakes? Will we ever learn to listen to others? Will we ever know the truth? I can’t say. I try to do my part to keep you whole but they keep taking and taking until there is nothing left to take. I guess they never learn the sorrow of just taking or the joy of giving back. We are blind selfish creatures and it is no wonder that you throw disasters at us. Hurricanes, tornados, floods. Just to get us to work together as siblings should. If only we could get along without the impending disaster. Apparently not for now we have possibly the scariest man in history since Hitler in charge of the big red button.
So before my voice is ripped from me and suppressed by the thin skinned bully on the playground. I will apologize one last time for the disasters and devastation to come.

From one of your faithful children
