To ANYONE with an opposing view

Subject: To ANYONE with an opposing view
From: Average American
Date: 9 Dec 2016

We are getting close to the Electoral College vote on December 19th and I keep seeing everyone venting their opinions about who they need to vote for and I keep wondering one thing...WHY is your opinion the only important one?

Why can I not have an opposing opinion and be treated respectfully for having it? Can I not choose to make a decision that impacts my life and the lives of my family? WHY are YOU the only one who can make that decision?

I keep reading the news, letters on here, watch TV and am wondering why doesn't my opinion (vote) matter if I chose to vote for Trump? Why am I a DEPLORABLE just because I want a job that pays more than minimum wage, want a president that doesn't have to use executive orders to pass his will (ideas) for how the United States should be run, want a chance at healthcare that doesn't make me choose between a roof over my head and needed prescriptions. A president that has run businesses and knows how to make sure a budget is used and isn't just a dream.

Before you start shouting about "stiffing" those working for him maybe you need to know something about having services provided for you. When you agree to pay someone for their work that is being provided, they need to complete that work to the client's satisfaction. I am not talking about picky details like a paint color or tile choice; I am talking about having a deadline to provide plans, workers at the spot and doing good work.

As in concrete being poured for a foundation that doesn't crack or is uneven and having to be reworked; walls being framed properly; plans being drawn correctly and to code; buildings being able to pass inspection. All of these things being done within the timeframe and budget that was agreed upon by all.

WHEN the person doing the work doesn't do the job properly or comes back asking for a lot more money or the job doesn't pass inspection, SHOULD they still receive full payment? The answer to this question is no THEY SHOULDN'T. Unless they agree to complete the work within the budget agreed upon and to correct any errors they don't deserve full payment if they do agree to complete the work within the budget agreed upon; then everyone sits back down to discussions.

That is why "customers", at times, withhold (STIFF) the businesses doing the work. There are times when greedy people try to stiff the working class and most of the time, they are called on it. It is called putting a lien on the project. The workers have 30 days to put a lien on the project and it usually doesn't happen when they know they were wrong or did shoddy work or didn't do the work at all.

I have written about immigration before and once again, I agree with tougher immigration laws for those here illegally. My husband paid the fee for a VISA to work here and once we married, we paid the fees for him to stay here legally and be able to travel outside the US without problems. Why is it okay for others who haven't done this to stay? Why is it okay for the illegals use our services, make money under the table without paying taxes and then send that money outside the US? How come my husband paid into our system knowing that until he became a naturalized citizen he wouldn't be able to collect Social Security? If you can still say we need to protect the undocumented (illegal) immigrants then so be it. That is your opinion which you are entitled to have and I will have mine. But remember, that for every undocumented (illegal) immigrant here, there are US citizens both legal and naturalized that cannot use the same benefits because the programs are out of money.

I firmly believe that children brought here as babies and their families need to be vetted quickly and properly to receive status to be here legally. I also believe we need to deport all criminals and figure out how to keep them out of here. Case in point, man who killed two women has been deported EIGHT (8) times and still gets back in. All of them should have to serve federal time to make them think about whether or not it is a good idea to stay here. Everyone deserves to live a life out of the shadows. No one should be worried that they will be found and separated from their familes. On the other hand, why should the rest of us have to support them or send them to college when no one is doing that for me. If I need to use government benefits, I will put through the ringer and then denied benefits because I have filed tax returns and paid into the system (I had a low period several years ago and that is exactly what happened). Then again, my situation is different from theirs so I only walk in my shoes and not in anyone elses. Still, how come my opinion is wrong compared to yours?

I understand it would be nice to have free education but I am practical enough to know that would be a luxury in a time when we need to feed, house and protect our citizens. If you are all so worried about people living in horrible, violent conditions, why aren't you protesting in the inner cities and rural areas? Wouldn't that bring more and better attention to those areas? The media would be glad to come to those areas, since our police officers have to protect you while you are throwing things at them and shouting epithets at them; somehow forgetting they run INTO DANGER while you stand around videoing it. Instead you march and chant while in highly visible areas with very little danger.

By marching in the inner cities or other dangerous areas you wouldn't have any reason to chant, "This p##sy grabs back" or "Not my President" and several other more vulgar chants because that isn't relevant to why their lives matter. All lives matter people. Everyone who is needlessly killed matter. They have families who loved them and are mourning them. Everyone in this country and for that matter, the world deserves to live in safe conditions with food, healthcare and education. No one and I mean NO ONE needs to live in fear for having a different opinion from yours. YOU have all forgotten that many men and women have given their lives and spilled their blood to protect your right to peacefully PROTEST not RIOT. There is a difference between the two should you decide to look it up.

I personally believe that peacefully protesting and chanting are freedoms of speech and therefore protected. I also believe the repulsive burning of the flag is ACTION or expression that is not peaceful and shouldn't be protected. But again this is my opinion and that is all is it.

Why not channel your anger and angst into something more practical? Start going to your local council meetings and find out what is happening on that level that you can help them with. Ask your representatives to hold a town hall meeting in order to ask questions regarding your issues. Remember, these people work for you. Their paycheck comes from taxes we all should be or do pay.

Change your college major to politics or social work and start working on the ground in order to effect changes you believe in. Why keep shouting at those with a different opinion than yours? Why is your opinion the only one that is right? I believe people can have opposing opinions and still treat each other with respect.

I also believe that not everyone participating needs to have a trophy. I also don't believe people should be coddled because they didn't win. No one in the world is ENTITLED to treat others with disrespect just because their opinions aren't the same as yours.

We would be a world filled with clones if that was the case. There wouldn't be different types of culture, food, art, music and literature. This world wouldn't be filled with so many different kinds of beautiful people.

This is my opinion and I approve this message.

Average American
