To Anorexia: you are not my friend

Subject: To Anorexia: you are not my friend
From: No longer your victim
Date: 29 Jun 2016

Dear Anorexia,
You do not define me. You are not my friend, and you are not me. You have pushed me beyond my limits of unhappiness, yet I have found comfort in the growing sense of disease. For a long time you have provided me comfort in your everlasting presence, but you are not my friend.

I read a quote the other day, it asked "if the thoughts of your head became your friend, how long would the friendship last?". Truth be told our friendship would not last. My father taught me that everyone is always a bit crazy, that is in fact the beauty of the retched world, but when one's crazy begins to impact your life it is no longer tolerable. You became my crazy. You drove me from friends, from family, and from everything I stood for.

As I pondered this question presented I began to think of the days when I was younger, I was happy and unconcerned by my weight. I did not constantly feel the need to step on the scale or to look in the mirror, but rather all I wanted was to experience life. Even as a six year old I did not allow people to walk over me, so what makes you any different? With that I give my true letter to you Anorexia:

Dear Anorexia,
You have robbed me of my happiness, of my family, of my friends, of my hope, and of my life experiences. You have become a toxic force in my life that has taken on a being of its own, but from here forth I make a promise to you. I WILL kick your ass and you will not stand a chance because you are not my friend, I am not fat, and I will not miss out on the rest of my life because you require my constant attention.

This is my final goodbye and promise to you that you, anorexia, will not define my life any longer.

Goodbye and promise,
No longer your victim
