
Dear Putri, A wise man once said that we did lose so much when we stopped writing letters (or in this case, postcards) because we can't reread our phone calls. Rumor has it Mark Zuckerberg laughed at his tombstone. I'm not writing this postcard to give you an extended explanation about how big brother is watching us, listening to our phone calls, keeping records of our chats, and/or spying on our GPS. You already finished Social Dilemma anyway. I'm writing this postcard to remind you that it took an actual artist to make a postcard. It also took an actual clerk to sell that postcard in the shop. Until someone bought it because it has a weird-looking girl holding a water gun while dressing in a traditional costume. That particular someone waited almost two years to actually...
dear ex best friend, hey, its me i just want to say i hate u rn. i know you don't think you did anything wrong but u did. u dont know this and i dont want u to... ever but i trusted u i really did and u replaced me! and i hate u for it because i was only 14 and u put me into depression and bad too. its been 2 years and i only just got out of depression, thats how bad it was. u used me! i was always there for u and u just pushed me away and i hate u so much but i still love u and i hate myself for it. i hate myself for loving u for hating u for my jealously issues for not telling my new friends for calling someone else my best friend for called u my ex best friend for letting u do this to me for letting u break me for fucking up this shit and for wanting u back for letting u go for living...
To those who have left me behind, that is fine. It simply means that you have grown, and you have outgrown me. I am happy for you. But I wish I had had the courtesy of a warning, or even a reason. So often is it that I think of you when I am the furthest thing from your mind. How could it be that one day I knew you, and the next day you acted as if you never knew me? The things we had been through, writing the various pages in in the stories of our lives together…did you tear those pages from your book? It seems I have written you as more significant characters in my book than you wrote me in yours. Even now, I would still write you in the best light. I would have continued writing. Years have gone by and I am grateful that you were a character I could write about. Some of you filled...
Date: July 24th, 2020 To, Dearest Keya, I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to tell you that it was a wonderful time with you in California and I am really thankful to Sam for having me introduced to you. The first thing that came to my mind after landing New York was to write you a letter because I wanted to share with you everything about my holiday in Hong Kong and all the amazing experiences I had. I must stay that I had an awesome time. Visiting Ocean World, Disney Land and the Big Buddha was totally fun. There are so many fancy rides at Ocean World to try. And in order to reach Big Buddha, we had to take a cable car which was an experience to remember. Hong Kong is indeed a beautiful place with lots of beaches where you can just relax. What is strange that it is...
Dear best friend, It's much of a surprise to me as it is to you that I wrote you this letter.But you know what I can't take it anymore.Of all people who could harm me it hard to be you of all people who could take away my true love it hard to be you but I really want to know why.Wasn't it enough I stood by you in the toughest storms but your rampaging desire to revenge because you have been hurt by too many people has vengeance has blinded you.It has caused my affection for you to end but not my care even if the world fell at our feet I wouldn't stop caring for you but I can no longer love you you betrayed my trust seduced my lover for your own selfish ideals but now I have no choice but to drop the best friend act when it seems it's just me who is struggling in our...
Hi. I don't know how to formally start this letter. Maybe I should start with how I feel and what my thoughts are. Or should I start with all the questions I have? As you might know, I always have a lot of questions in my head. I want answers to every question as it is my way to move on, kind of like a closure in case you already want me out of my life. For whatever reason, I can't understand how I can't maintain a friendship. What is wrong with me? What is it about me that made you decide to leave me? We've been friends for a few years. We met each other at a company. We were all promoted at different times and have the same position at work. We almost have the same shift. We eat together, talk together and sometimes even go home together. You were like the sisters I have never...
Dear Global Citizens... No matter from where you hail or what language you speak, we all have three very basic things in common that few can deny; 1. We all like the same things... great foods, music, great movies, fun travel, stable lives, and security for our loved ones. 2. We all hate the very same things... being lied to, betrayed, exploited, excessive taxes, censorship, social injustice, and corrupt governments. 3. We all fear the same things... war, economic depressions, violent crimes, and now a global pandemic of a strange and puzzling origin. 4. We all want a better life for our children and grandchildren when we pass. 5. We all want change from the current status quo of gross income disparity and a growing spread of oligarchies in the world which is slowly...
I’ll always be there for you whenever something is wrong, or when you need someone to talk to. I remember every day after school like it was just yesterday. We used to hangout and go to the mall, just to walk around because we were bored. We used to go out to eat, ANYTHING just to avoid being at home. Now, none of that happens anymore. We graduated high school and went our separate ways to different colleges. I know we don’t talk as much as we used to, but the love is still there. I still consider you my friends. We’re still cool with each other When college started, I really had no time for anything. Time management is a big issue I struggle with. I barely graduated high school, and you know this. I would just do the bare minimum to pass. I had to change the way I did...
Hello, It’s me. Do you remember me? The girl who you once did everything with. The girl who you once told would be the bridesmaid in your wedding. The girl who drove hours with you in a car with no direction. I’m still here. Do you miss me? Do I cross your mind anymore? I feel a bit lost without seeing you or hearing from you anymore. What happened? Was me having a baby at 20 years young the reason we don’t talk? I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I have nights that I can not go out simply because I have to put my baby to bed. I’m sorry I have to make plans in advance and can no longer go on random drives with no destination. I’m sorry I let our friendship drift apart the way it did. I’m sorry I make you feel like I have no time for you, I do. I’m sorry for not letting you know how much I...
Tag – I’m it! Waking up on our birthday last year to one of the most moving letters I have ever received was a gift of immeasurable love. Throughout this year, I have looked back on the words you wrote in times of celebration and happiness, as well as in times of doubt or sadness. I oftentimes read it when I am missing you and wishing we were together… That said, I thought I would take a turn! Happy Birthday to you my 3 minutes older identical twin sister. You may have entered this world first but I wasn’t about to let you stay there long without me right by your side. You see, right by your side is where I was gifted to be 44 years ago and is where I pray to be for as long as possible. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like without a twin sister like you. You are incredibly...
