
I always thought we were going to be friends till the day we were old and wrinkly helping each other when we’re in an old age home. I always thought we were going to have each other’s backs, and I tried my hardest to believe what I was telling myself. I somehow always knew you were going to drift away somehow, but I never let myself come to terms with how you treated me, or how you always put yourself before me time after time when I always moved mountains for you. I let myself tell you the ups and downs of my stressful life, and I let you push me around for as long as I can remember. I’m not going to say you didn’t try to be there for me, you were there more than once but you weren’t there when I needed you the most. You've tried to include me some stuff and hang outs but I guess I...
There are many people this letter could be about. But there's one person in particular who taught me what true friendship was. Taught me how to have fun at work and how you can't judge a person by how they look or act. We had many deep talks in the shoe department, yes. The shoe department. It was my safe haven because I knew whatever mood I was feeling you would find a way to make me happy and restore me. Over these three months we've gotten extremely close. It was one night, a little over a year ago that you taught me not to judge a person right away. I thought you hated me up until that night when I told you I was going to kill myself that exact night. I thought you'd be the happiest to see me go. But no, you got HR to call 9-1-1, then met me in the hospital after your shift. You...
We were friends for a long time. Inseparable. Even though there was a time we couldn't stand each other in high school somehow we made it out together in the big bad world. Working together. Looking at apartments to move in together. We both knew we were total opposites and we fought all the time. You always said whatever you wanted to me. No matter how much it hurt. No matter how much of it you knew was a lie. Did whatever you wanted because you knew I would still accept you and support you and be there when you drunk dialed me at 2 in the morning. We saw each other every day. I brought you to church with me. Told you about every deep dark secret I had ever hidden. About how hard it was for me to get over my high school sweetheart. And then I got a boyfriend who was the most...
Dear ____, How have you been? The last time I spoke to you, we were laughing, we were happy. Funny how fast things change. But when you left me it wasn't fast or pain free. It was slow and excruciating. I could feel you letting go, distancing yourself. My lips were sealed though, it felt like nothing could fix us. I won't say thank you. Not because I'm angry and not because I'm happy. But because I should really be saying you're welcome. You're welcome for always being your shoulder to cry on, your lips to push your problems on, your body to hold, and your heart to take. You're welcome for fixing you and helping you move to the new part of your life. You left me for her. You made it seem so simple as if for the last eight years we had never shared all our...
Dear Ex-Bestfriend, I've wondered for a while whether I should write this or whether I should just let things be. You've gotten new friends, a new boyfriend, and a whole new outlook on life. I have too. For all I know you're completely happy with where you are in life and if that is the case then I'm happy for you. I think about you often. Daily as a matter of fact. I feel as if our friendship ended with so much shattered trust for each other that we both gave up on the idea of forgiveness. We were such different people that our friendship didn't make sense to anyone else. But, it made perfect sense to us and that was all that mattered. We looked past the sense of untrust and the rumors we would hear about each other as if they didn't matter. I...
You were an important piece of me, you were a big part of my life and I couldn't have seen the day coming where you weren't in it anymore. You knew me so well, I couldn't picture you not being here anymore just because. As I wipe the tears from saying all of this, I want you to understand I'm writing this because I never got my own closure when you walked away, and that's something I desperately need because lately all I've been doing is wondering why our friendship that was once inseparable has become breakable and not important to you anymore. You've hurt me and you're the last person I thought would. You were aware of the severe trust issues I had, you knew that it was a rare occasion if you saw me letting my walls come down to allow someone to come into my life, because people...
So, I got something on my mind, I'm bored AF and I want to reach out to my new GTAO family/sisters The Pussi Katts MC. I was going to post this up on the RSC page but the 140 character limit would be such a pain in the ass to deal with. So, I am posting this here for my KATT's to read with ease... Wow, today I was told by our crew leader that I was “SUSPECT” for being a dude. This is in complete violation of the crew rules seeing as The Pussi Katts is an all female crew. This, no doubt comes from the fact that today was my very first time using a mic with my crewmates. I would like to say I am actually thankful that swift action was taken. This is a sign that the crew is looking out for its member’s safety and wellbeing. I find this to be a “huge” plus in a crew. A much needed...
I have positives from our old friendship and I have negatives that came along with it as well. No matter what, you always had my back and was always there to help but I never realized that the problem was exactly that. You always had my back. Literally, you were a backstabber. Our friendship slowly died argument after argument. You didn't seem to mind, you was too busy being a whore. I tried to be a true friend to you, but all you wanted was pure sympathy. I've never seen someone want so much attention as much as you did. And in all honesty, you're a scumbag for using your dead mother to get it. I loved you and would of done anything for you. You knew that. But things changed hardcore when you started rumors about , telling people I cheated on my boyfriend, I had sex with you when...
Dear friends, I wanted to inform everyone that I will not be attending TCPS after this year. God has moved in my life and I feel like Oak Hill Academy will be a better fit for me. I will now be graduating in 2018. I have been thinking about this for a long time and I know it is what is right for me. I want to thank everyone who has been there for me and taught me for the six years I have been at TCPS. I wanted to address this directly, and publicly so no rumors would be started. No, I do not hate TCPS. I am going to miss the friends I made there immensely and if I could bring everyone with me, I would. OHA is offering me the future I want. I have decided I am in charge of my own future, I need to do what I believe is best for me in the long run. TCPS is an excellent school, but I need a...
Elizabeth, You will find below, a map of your mind and your behavior over the past six weeks. Given how important self-awareness is to you I think you are going to find the below to be as eye opening as I did. I have also written you a letter which is on dropbox. BPD Symptoms and Information: I recommend watching this first: Youtube video with general information made by someone with bpd. Quick and easy to watch.
