Love Letters

I was a patient of a physical therapy clinic in February 6 years ago. I went for treatment 2-3 days a week for 2 months. With small talks, I learned about the therapist's family , wife and kids. I felt a strong attraction and I could tell he felt the same. One day during my treatment, he took my hand to help me up and gave me a hug. I felt the closeness while he held me for at least more than 2 minutes. Long enough for me to have my face touch his neck to smell his scent. I was a hug that I didn't expect. I was surprised and left the room sort of in a rush. I didn't go back for treatment purposely until the following week, which would be my last treatment. This time, I gave him a peck on his lips after my treatment. He hugged me and picked me off my feet. He reached out to...
I am a type of person who treasure every moment in terms of love. I have a vast imaginations with romance. I can say I can be a romantic one cause I have my own way of expressing love to someone. Love for me is very important that every actions you show to the person is an actions to treasure forever. Love compliments with trust and respect, love is an antonym of hate and it means that when you love you are ready to be hurt not now but soon. All you have to do is to be ready in all forms. I may sound bitter but this how love works, you just need to be ready when the time comes when you are be hurt but for now, you have to enjoy, to cherish every moment that you spent with the person you are inlove with right now. love him/her as if it is the last day that you have each other let him/her...
This is a letter to tell you all the things I just couldn't say to you in person. We met 5 years ago on a cold and rainy night. I can remember exactly what I was wearing because I kept thinking I wonder if you found me attractive in my red pencil skirt and black figure hugging top.. I wasn't prepared to meet you. I'd had a long day at work and just wanted to have dinner with my friends before going home but as fate would have it, we ended up sitting next to each other. I really didn't want to like you. You were quite a bit older than me. You had tattoos and you said things I didn't like. I remember moaning to my best friend the next day about having to sit next to this older guy who had such different beliefs to me and how horrible he was. Even while I was saying this, there was...
To K I have to say thank you. You may have been the one person that could, and can still, get me through the hardest parts of my life. However the man you are now, is different than the boy I fell in love with. The boy I fell in love with thought making out in his dads truck was awesome. He also believed with his whole heart, at 2am, that we wouldn’t fall asleep cuddle. God your mom was pissed the next morning. But that boy is only in my memory now. Your girlfriend now is lucky. You were the sweetest, most enjoyable person I’d ever met. However despite that we had our troubles, mostly trust issues on both parts. You know things that haunt me so greatly that only 3 other people know, 2 being your cousins.Our break up almost killed me, but our friends helped me through it, without pushing...
Hi there, In your point of view, I was rude to you when I said ‘’ do me a favour, please leave me alone!’’. I’m certain it’s the last thing you’ve expected from me. You never knew or imagined this sweet girl you’ve known about for few months (let me correct, whom you have kept deep in the darkness and taken for granted) who is lovely and kind can never be able to turn you down, even after you broke her heart. If you have any idea how deeply you hurt me, when you vanished into thin air a few months earlier without any explanation, you’ve never say ‘’you’re being irrational and rude’’. We have been ‘online dating’ (virtually online!) for few months before we met in person. Do you remember those days? Perhaps not! Let me remind you, we’d been on the phone from 9pm to 3am easily every...
Hi there, In your point of view, I was rude to you when I said ‘’ do me a favour, please leave me alone!’’. I’m certain it’s the last thing you’ve expected from me. You never knew or imagined this sweet girl you’ve known about for few months (let me correct, whom you have kept deep in the darkness and taken for granted) who is lovely and kind can never be able to turn you down, even after you broke her heart. If you have any idea how deeply you hurt me, when you vanished into thin air a few months earlier without any explanation, you’ve never say ‘’you’re being irrational and rude’’. We have been ‘online dating’ (virtually online!) for few months before we met in person. Do you remember those days? Perhaps not! Let me remind you, we’d been on the phone from 9pm to 3am easily every...
First of all, I’m hurt by what happened between us. Yes, you did some pretty shitty things, but I let them happen and I let them affect me. By reacting and concerning myself with your actions, I gave you power you never should have had. I’m not saying you’re a bad guy here, just that I should have left well enough alone when we were through. I allowed your choices to hurt me when they were no longer a reflection on me. Second, thank you. It sounds weird, but thank you. Seriously. You ended our relationship. It wasn’t something I thought I would ever be able to do, even when being with you made me miserable. Somehow being unhappy with you was better than the uncertain future without you. Maybe that DOES make me crazy. So thank you for ending our dysfunction and misery. At the time, I was...
Well, hello there, the century that we live in is one such where old school of thought is looked down upon. With timeless tide we are losing ourselves, the immaculate intricacies that being humane held. There is much lost, contradicting all thats ever been found, and that counts in on Love too. And today, i want all those who are keen to fall in love, those who have been helplessly smitten by one sided love, those who have had their hearts whipped out, and last but not the least all the non believers out there... I want all of ya'll to know that regardless of your storyline, screenplay, or the number of takes you do for the sake of a single shot, you will find the purpose of your life, your very own happily ever after, even though u may not always feel merry and hyped, love is in the air...
Hello Girls, Do you think you’re alone? You got it wrong. There are hundreds of thousands of women out there just like you. From upper middle class to barely surviving class, from those who are with double PhDs to school dropouts, from America to Japan, From white, pale , brown to black, from most glamorous to least caring about their looks. The point I was trying to make is, hitting the big –three-oh club while you are single is not the end of the story. You know what is pathetic? Most people think they have a right to judge you!!! Yes, the life is not fair and I only can imagine what you’ve gone or going through in your life. Life isn’t comparable. You heard me right! You’re life and your experiences are unique to yourself just like you are! Just because all your friends in 30...
To The One I Love, It would seem that warm weather and sunny days remind me of a simpler time when we first met, because as they rapidly approach us, my mind centers around the idea of you and the good times in years past. A time when our responsibilities were limited and we took advantage of our freedom. A time where we could spend a whole weekend just talking about future goals and our plans to make them a reality. A time where we would go to new and exciting places and pretty much do whatever we wanted, almost as if we were fearless and invincible. I miss those times. I miss you. I don't think you'll ever know how much you mean to me, mainly because I show my affection in the most covert manner, that it may even seem as though I don't show any affection at all. I'm sorry about...
