Love Letters

Dear you, Remember the day you picked me up and took me into the city? It was extremely late at night, we drove around for hours, and blared backstreet boys. You showed me parts of the city I had never seen before and I loved the way you got excited when you showed me things around from your life. I remember being so happy in that moment, but I also remember telling myself that this one was going to hurt. See I fell for you so fast. You swept me off my feet with your charm, and then your love hit me like a bus. I never thought anything would break us apart. I never accounted for the fact that you just can’t predict life, and where it takes you. You were going one way, and had your own plans, and me too. We are young, and honestly still trying to find our way in this confusing world...
Hey bebo, Our love era started from a different turn, from the first time I heard your name to the time when we had our little conversations on fb I didn't know that you are gonna be the biggest change in my life. It all started when I gave u the heart made of chocolate wrapper on your b'day, but didn't expect it would be the CUPID of our love story. But I was really surprised when you proposed me after the board exams; and was bit scared If I may lose you because of our family and caste. Then we were the long distant type of couple, when everyone was planning for romantic dates we used to get glimpse of each other in public places. However we did have break from our love era because I broke your trust and also we thought that we can't handle this relationship....
I have never done an open letter before, where do I begin? As I type this I realize there is no special occasion for this letter, not an anniversary, not your birthday, not Christmas, nor New Year celebration. Just a regular day of the week and as usual you're on my mind. The only thing special is how I feel about you every day from the moment I wake up and until I go to bed, I think about you all the time. I wish I could spend every minute of the day and night with you. I decided to write this open letter to you because I want you to know how much you mean to me, how much I appreciate you being part of my life, and how much I love you. I didn't think that I would ever find someone I love as much as I love you, someone I cherish, someone I love completely, and someone I don't want to...
A 28 year old woman who haven't been engaged in a single relationship is now confessing her love to you... Mr. Hwang, Yes, she loves you. And she is beyond thankful for all the good memories you've left her. She now knows the taste of unrequited. Ah, such a bittersweet taste yet she still craves. Do you still remember her? Can you think of her once in a while? Yes, she still loves you. And she doesn't know how not to. She's drowning with your memories tonight, please save her. -Joiyah
I wish I could really and truly tell you everything. There is so much, so much, that has happened since we started this game of seeing how long we could go before I'd call you. I wish I could run back to you, ruffle your hair in that jesting way, and play in the boring halls of our stifling youth. Today, we talked on Snapchat. Which is dumb, but so are we. I actually sent you pictures of me. I wish I could tell you about how you're the only one I do this for. You're the only one I still let see any part of the real me. I stopped responding. I wish I could tell you how I stopped responding because I heard a song. I wish I could tell you about how it made me cry, because it was the song that I found when my cat -the only real friend I'd ever managed to hold onto other than...
Loving love is dangerous. There's nothing quite like it. I've never felt feelings like that before and so confused. What does it mean when you're so deeply in love with a girl that you fail to see that she isn't in love with you? We had started talking during a very difficult time of my life while I was overseas. This girl.. wait no woman.. and a single Mother at that, came into my life and made that hard time so easy. I felt so connected as we talked every day. Keep in mind I knew this girl from back home it wasn't an E-Harmony thing or anything. I was beginning to lose myself in her, I felt like I could trust her and I felt that she could trust me. Disclaimer: I've never been in love before. No not that I haven't been with women but I've never loved one. (I thought I had at the time...
I wonder if this feeling is real and true. Was it? Is it an admiration? You are my best friend and I considered you as a blessing. Though we're still building our friendship even more and more each day. Calling each other through our mobile phones until dawn and we'll talk anything under the sun. I don't think I have enough words to explain how much you matter to me. You've helped me not to feel scared to face life alone, more than anyone has ever in my life. The long nights of laughing at what seems like nothing and everything, the pep talks, the time checks and the teasing. I haven't many people close. But I'm so happy you let me in your world and able to see things that makes you happy and be part of it. You never fail to slap me in the face with dreadful reality when I need or deserve...
I just spent two powerful weeks with my fiancé before watching him board a plane to head back to his bride. His ‘bride’ is the Military for the next two years. It is hard being so far apart. We fight all the time when he is away. We bicker about dumb shit like what time to facetime or if he thinks about me when he is away. Hell we even fight over whether or not we are still in love. This fight phase doesn’t last long before we find our routine again and look forward to talking but it is hard. If you are in a relationship with a soldier you know what I mean when I say we don’t see each other very often but when I see him coming toward me in the airport he makes my heart race then he grabs me up and hugs me so tight I can’t breathe. There is no better feeling than that moment because I...
Dear Cashier Boy, I guess I couldn’t keep how I feel about you to myself too much. You figured me out. I guess you could read me more than what I anticipated. For the longest time I’ve been dreaming of what it would be like to grab your attention. I had it in the palm of my hands for only a little while, but I think it has slipped through my hands. Maybe I shouldn’t read too much into this because there’s nothing too serious going on between us, but I feel like I have ruined something. I had your attention for a short amount of time, and I only did what you wanted. Showed you what you wanted to see. I exposed myself, and that’s something I don’t do for anyone. I don’t let anyone see me the way you’ve seen me. I did it because I thought maybe we could be something. I think you saw too...
Dear Cashier Boy, Back in 2000, if someone came up to me and told me that one day I was going to like you, I wouldn't have believed them. I wouldn't have believed them because I was so young, and boys had cooties. I didn't see you for years because I transferred to another school. One day, I was looking around my stuff and I stumbled across our yearbook. I, of course, immediately looked at our class picture, and I wondered if you had a Facebook. For shits and giggles, I searched for you, and I found you. How funny. I was surprised to find that it was actually you. I didn't think much about talking to you because we didn't interact in school. You were a grade higher than me, and you had your own group of friends. I, on the other hand, was an outcast. I didn't have very many friends,...
