You Bastard!

You don't have to brag about your intelligence everytime we talk. Just because you’re in more advanced classes or in a good job doesn't mean you’re better than everyone else. Also just because some people aren't as smart as you doesn't mean you have to treat them like they aren't human or like scum.People who do this are bullies People dont change this because it doesn't benefit them to do so. They are like a virus. Though I do like when they help out with homework or other tasks. I just wish they did it more often. My friend David is one of the good smart people he helps me out with my homework and he's really nice. Now I won't name this persons name but he makes fun of people who are mentally disabled and I really think it is unjust to do so. They are like birds who prey on...
Passion. It burns within me. Surrounds me. Becomes me. Needless. To be wanted. To be desired. Need is not for those wild untamed few. Fearless. Like fire consumes. Releasing neurotransmitters, this physical experience. A wave of ecstasy. Just words. Insufficient. Becoming. Transcending language. I need food, air, water, shelter, employment... I WANT to be loved. I know the difference. What do you need?
I am sick of you judging me. Every word I say, every action I take you misconstrue to fit your own psychotic paradigm. You emotionally rape me and then crucify me for being who I am, for being intelligent, for seeking to communicate with you. Everything in me wants to give up on you, to obliterate you, to kick you out of my life permanently. I can't be around you any more. Enough. Enough of you psychotic games, your continued willingness to harm me because I can't and wont meet your exacerbating and unrealistic expectations of answering your text 5 seconds after you send it or giving you all of my attention or allowing you to dictate what I do on any social media platform. You are not in charge of me and have NO say what I do in my life. You are no longer allowed to be near my...
First, I want you to know that I hate you. Not because you had the title of fiancé, but because of what you did to my boyfriend and his parents. He loved you and was going to give you the world and you took advantage of that. You had no appreciation of anything he and his family did for you. They bought you a car, his parents let you and him stay at their home rent free. You manipulated my boyfriend, you pushed people out of his life and you never once felt any remorse about it. You hurt him and there are times when we are together doing things that I can see the damage that you did to him. He’s getting better though and is happier without you in his life. The fact you had the audacity though to do what you did makes my stomach turn. The fact you went to the degree you did when he...
I have to get this off my chest for all of you African Americans Donald Trump supporters that him you're the most ignorant people that I have ever heard of to support all this racism that come off the mouth of Donald Trump...
You're know diffrent than anyone else that supported Donald Trump including Mrs. Manigault just realize that Trump is a dirt bag!Scaramucci f**** you I don't believe a damn word that come out of your mouth. The only reason you're trashing Trump is because he fired your ass no it was General John Kelly that fired you not Trump who is a real wuss in when it comes to firing anyone! Scaramucci you supported Donald Trump 's tax cuts that favor business man such as yourself .your book called Donald Trump "The Blue Collar " president give me a f**** break. Donald Trump can't relate to those that have a nine to five career jobs working for paychecks he was born rich inherited his wealth in which Dumb F**** bankrupt his fortune having his Dad Fred Trump bail him out!You know what discuss me about...
I met you when I was 22. You were 32. I very quickly fell for you but I was never sure how you felt about me. After about a year I left but felt a gaping wound that never really went away. About a year after that I heard you'd had a breakdown. I reached out initially out of a warped sense of loyalty but after a couple of months realised we were far better off as friends then we'd ever been as a couple. After a while we became friends with benefits. This was off and on for a couple of years until I realised that I had fallen in love and was terrified I'd get my heart broken. I fled the country, under the pretence of having an extended trip to visit relatives in Europe. You were in touch most days and I missed you terribly. After 6 months in Europe, having worked in a local...
I'm so sick & tired of this piece of s****t that occupying the whitehouse always insulting people of minorities whether it's members of congress people in the media etc with his twitter account . Donald trump do yourself a favor do your damn job as a public service or get just resign from office play golf or something. you're tough insulting people when you're around law enforcement & bodyguards . this goes to the media stop showing his f***** tweets he going to keep doing and he loves the fact that your media is talking about instead of his failures as commander of chief!donald trump why don't you go back to your infested home you called trump towers you piece of s****t
It's been almost 7 months since the last time you saw your child, and that's only because his Great Grandmother emailed me. It's been over a year since you've contacted him yourself. There are no birthday phone calls. No parent teacher conferences, or meetings with the adjustment counselor. No foot ball practices, or games. No doctors appointments, student of the month celebrations, late night emergency room visits, no fishing trips. You're not here to see your child tear himself to pieces because he has to come to the terms that you left him without an explanation. You're not here to convince him that he is worthy of love, and that he matters. And just when I think he's starting to heal, the bandaid gets ripped off, and we have to start the process all over. I am thankful. I am...
Dear Other Woman, I won’t say your name, though I know it well. I just wanted to take a moment to get a few things off my chest. First and foremost, I am sorry. I am so incredibly beyond sorry for not getting to you before now. If I only had a found you sooner maybe I could have prevented this. Unfortunately, I know exactly how you’re feeling. Lost. Betrayed. Heartbroken. Exiled. And scared. For a split moment I hated you. When I first laid eyes on the picture of you holding him. I saw nothing but red. I thought of no less than 15 ways of causing you harm within seconds. You were going to feel my wrath. You were going to feel the same amount of pain that you caused me. As the anger quickly faded to sadness I felt my breath catch. Before I could stop it the tears were...
