You Bastard!

Dear UK Visas and Immigration, Firstly, let me make it clear at the outset that I greatly value the hard, honest, and diligent work that you do. Truly, you make the nation proud by making it unbearably difficult for highly-skilled non-EU workers to come and positively contribute to our society, crushing their morale and reducing them and their families to tears in the process. Good job! Also, please forgive my not writing this email directly to your Contact Centre - I decided to economise the £5.48 it would have cost to do that. Cutting costs -- I'm sure you'll approve of that. But don't worry, I'll be sure to donate that money to a worthy cause. Maybe to your Christmas Party Mulled wine fund? Or to the Conservative Party? So anyway, I'm writing about a friend of mine, Dr. Thi...
Dear Father, I am a female, a female that has been taught by a sexist male that she is dumb because he said so, he said that women are stupid, they don’t think the same way as men do and that means that they think wrong. He told me that I couldn’t go out places because something could always happen to me, a female, a female whom is defenseless in his eyes because he raised me and saw me turn into a woman, but can’t accept the fact that I have to fly soon, but if I don’t even open my wings, I am going to have a more difficult time. So I ask him why it is that my brother can go out places but I can not, why is it that when I want to do a sport I can’t because he chose to close all gates and opportunities. I then mentioned college to him and how perhaps I may want to leave California so...
Dear Imbeciles, They say monsters are those covered in green goo, the ones who walk out of a swamp smelling as if they live in it. Drip drip drip… Their goo dripping, leaving a path on the floor, getting ready to steal the lives of children. Metaphorically speaking, they say Adolf Hitler is a monster, which is probably true. The words that flow gracefully off his tongue, a monster disguised as a human; the words that he spoke, they became a venom, a poison absorbed by the Nazis of their time. You know what made him a monster? What was it exactly in his words that made him so dangerous? Discrimination! All against a certain type of person that he hated with a passion. Then this discrimination turned into hate, and from that hate became a crime passed down in stories over the years...
Dear Donald Trump, We are disgusted with you. So stop. Please just stop. You tried to stop Muslim individuals from countries such as Iraq and Iran and Syria from entering the US. I don’t know if you realize how xenophobic this, considering you have the mental capacity of a 5 year old. And on top of this, you wanted to build a literal wall between Mexico and the U.S. to prevent illegal immigration into America. To stop a whole group of people from entering this country who might be trying to seek refuge in the “land of the free” is counterintuitive to the “message” that America was founded on. What kind of a role model are you displaying to children across America? You are showing these young impressionable boys and girls that it is okay to hate or dislike a group of people just...
I live in a small town where even the dogs are protected and the duck, they walk in the streets and you can't hit them, that is a good thing as it cuts down on road kill and cruelty to animals.Now in this town where you are not allowed to hit strays you can hit a black man,woman or child; now aint that a laugh, I watch people make excuses for everything that is done and wonder why every race is worthy of life,freedom and a relief from fear excluding me and mine. In 07/2015 my son Lamar was walking home from school when he was struck from the back by the public defender for Greenville,Ms who was not insured,but he was not issued a ticket and I was not allowed to press charge, Lamar had a broken leg which now has a rod in it and he needs a new operation this coming December,I can't get...
You told me to give you something that i planned myself, on your birthday. I hope this is idiotic enough to get you on to your nerves. Happy Birthday Armpit. This is for the guy, whom i started terming as my best friend when he didn't even know about it. And now, he is a person who knows weirdest secrets of mine in just a span of 2 months. Well i forgot your birthday, so apologies for the same. Your face ain't that good for me but still, the insecurities you have about your looks, get rid of them soon or I am stabbing you in the throat. You are perfectly fine okay!? Every time you start talking about your looks i always play along but inside i am like STFU man! You don't need a girl right now tbh. And yeah whoever she will be, make sure you get her approved by me. You got hurt once, I...
"SORRY" It might be just a simple word to some, but to others it can mean so much. But there are people like you, who either can't say it at all...or if you DO say it, it's just another one of your full of shit lies. The saying goes "The karma of fucking over a good girl is the bitch you end up with". So tell me, how's life with that bitch going these days? I just need to say to you that I'm angry, and I'm hurt...and that's ok. I am allowed to be. You fucked over the only "good girl" you've ever had in your life...your one ride or die chick. You fucked me over when you had NO reason to...when I didn't deserve it. Since you are such a cowardly man who can't even face up to what you've done, I have to sit here and write you a stupid letter to be able to tell you what a fucking piece...
It’s 3:56am on the Fourth of July. I can’t sleep, because this isn’t my bed. This isn’t my apartment. I can’t sleep because, you aren’t the man I fell in love with a year ago. A year ago when we took an impromptu trip to Montreal in the spring after my college graduation, I felt like I finally found someone who I could stand to be around for a long time. I couldn’t say it aloud to you for another two months, and even then, I whispered it. I love you. You whispered it back. Those two lovers, who had wildly moved to California together, are strangers to me now. I remember them from time to time and envy their boldness, passion and recklessness. You told me recently that you believed I was too good for you. It’s ironic and cruel that I couldn’t see that until you broke me and brought me...
It is hard to express in words the rollercoaster of emotions that came from your time with my husband. I know that the blame does not rest squarely on your shoulders and at some level we are all to blame. Him, for his choices in not owning up to his emotions. In not letting me know that he was unhappy. You for betraying your husband and so called moral high ground. Not least of all I, for not listening to my instincts. For choosing to believe in the fantasy rather than face the reality of what my life had become. I can’t say that everything that stems from your actions is bad. I could sit here and pity myself or see myself as the victim but I choose not to. I refuse to become less than I am. I decided that I need to thank you for presenting me with the biggest obstacle I have...
To: Wayne Schoppaul, Justin Young, James Curran, Dieter Uchtdorf, Thomas S. Monson and all the motherfuckers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: How many times do I need to tell you to fuck off and leave me alone???? Jesus H. Christ... you disfellowshipped me. Was that good enough for you? Not really. You were sued in court. You failed to show. A default judgment was entered against you for $7,500. You have NOT paid that yet, five years later. I am now required to demand ten times that amount, or $75,000. I had also put in my resignation letter through a website because I don't want to mail it. I have been taken off your rolls. But now I am still getting your "familiar spirits" and according to the Bible, Joseph Smith got it all wrong. THEY ARE NOT GOOD! Are...
