
Open letter to Someone I used to know, Nothing that has occurred has been measurable. I know that you are not fully aware of what that means. This letter is a jumbled mess I started to clean up and make it read professional and look pretty. But since this is just about me and you at the core of everything, I left the raw emotional outburst for you I added a few poetry blurbs I’m the middle maybe a bit of haiku. Dear Music Lover, I wanted this to be a letter that is expressive of my feelings and the love that I know is never going to amount to anything. But I found that I have long since not focused in on that. The search for Justice fuels my days even at the expense of my own life or happiness. When my eyes open every single day my first thought isn’t about the love I once...
65- year old military veteran Bruce Gorcyca jailed over five years based on unsigned detention orders after being rendered from China where he finished rewriting his seized book manuscripts about $1B of FBI and other government crimes. Guess who seized his book manuscripts? Before reading the two links below you should first know that this vet was rendered out of China with a ruse taken out of a Tom Cruise "Mission Impossible" movie and he is married 20+ years with two young sons he has not been able to hug in over ten years. His 12 year-old became autistic after getting the measles vaccine as a toddler. This is not a hoax folks. Do your homework on the below but beware that a professional smear job was launched against this man years ago that included impersonation, spoofing, and...
To whomever, it may concern It is well known that the death penalty is abolished within 23 states and 27 states have the punishment still in place. It is necessary to know this because all the states should have the death penalty as an option. I'm not saying that the punishment is ideal for every case but several ones. Now, why does this matter? Most prosecutors haven't been sentenced property to the crime committed. The public has seen this time over time with homicide, rape, and kidnapping cases. Your life can be in danger without you knowing for only giving the procurer five years of jail time. I believe that the death penalty should be available within every state only for the most server cases. What exactly could be a server case, a case where the victim is physically and...
People struggle with hardships, violence, mental health, family issues, grief, physical handicaps and illnesses, every day. We are all human. None of us are perfect. When someone awful happens, too many journalists leap at it like a dog at a squirrel and make assumptions, and statements, that they think will get them clicks on their articles, and shares, and 'likes' and comments. They cease to remember that the person about whom they are writing is a person who is experiencing something awful. How would they feel if it was their family member, or themselves, with their photo in the paper, and a misleading headline that makes them seem like some kind of a deviant? The whole story has not come to light, and won't for some time, because the people involved in the proceedings can't just...
You took a blow for those who had thrown me away at age 16. I've taken a beating for being...'ME'. I saw no faces as I was being punched in my face repeatedly. Everything is in slow motion. I feel onlookers watching; I am in a familiar place. I remember the Central Unit Yard Office on June 20, 1998. I was hog-tied on the floor. I feel the hammer fist blows and combat boots all over my body...I'm numb; the pain comes later. My left ear rings like a church bell. Twenty-three years later it still rings. (I've lost my hearing in my left ear). A woman's voice calls, "get off of him, get off of him. I'm calling Major Turner". The blows and feet slowly start to fade away like a dying drum beat. Sgt. Grimes, was that you who put a stop to my brutality? I'm handcuffed. I'm being dragged through...
This by no means is an ad-hominess attack upon Dr. Fauci. No, I spent three months researching his own words both written and verbal over the past 20 years from NIH, NIAD, and CDC archives. And before we dig into those words, please remember that Fauci himself has admitted lying about COVID before, claiming he did so to "protect science" because he felt Americans could not understand or handle the truth. I suppose he believes he truly has a monopoly on intelligence, or he would not have called himself the sole and ultimate source of "Science". I have never seen such arrogance and vanity in any government employee other than George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton....
I am a COVID victim/survivor like many seniors my age, but I am neither a fool nor one of the many boiling frogs that are collectively now known as "WE THE SHEEPLE". Thanks to the efforts of Senator Rand Paul, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Tucker Carlson and the following REAL scientists, I have to conclude that Dr. Fauci has deliberately lied to not only the world, but to U.S. Congress under oath. * Dr. Luc Montagnier - Virologist (Nobel Prize Winner) * Dr. Scott Atlas (Stanford Medical School) * Dr. Judy Mikovits (NIH/CDC) * Dr. Robert Malone (MRNA inventor) * Dr. Lorraine Day (Immunologist) * Dr. Martin Makary (John Hopkins University) * Dr. Peter McCullough (Baylor University) * Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, (MIT) * Dr. Mehmet Oz (Columbia University) Add the growing group of 3,600...
This goes out to President Biden, his administration, the CDC, WEF, Gates, Sorros, Schwab, UN, WHO, NIH, FDA, the News Networks, and Social Media, and government in general. You know who you are. There is zero confidence in all of you. First of all. Anyone who still believes that Biden is in charge of anything, besides his ice cream cones, is severely deluded. Biden can't string together a paragraph without stumbling all over his words. He couldn't make an intelligent high level decisions if his life depended on it. Sadly, OUR lives depend on it. Psaki seems to have more say in the function of the Executive branch than he does. Of course, what else is new? How many presidents haven't been puppets? Biden just makes it completely obvious. Same goes for the rest of the world's...
The first part of the Nuremberg code says: The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. I could stop right here, because it's clear that children are not capable of giving consent. Adults also cannot give consent because the effects of the vaccines are unknown. Also, there is no free power of choice if a person...
To, The Secretary-General António Guterres United Nations UN Headquarters, S-3800 New York, NY 10017 Aug 17, 2021 Dear Sir, "I am feeling unwell". Like it doesn't bother any members in the United Nations what is happening in Afghanistan. The entire world is keeping silent and only witnessing how the people are begging for their lives when they are brutally punished by the Taliban. It's completely unacceptable how the entire world has abandoned Afghanistan. Then what does the United Nations do, if a horrible situation to the human being occurs and the UN Organization is only witnessing such things? Is it not our responsibility to stand in front of the innocent when they are going to kill them? Is it not our responsibility to stand beside when someone is suffering to get...
