
I am so angry with you. I have displaced anger that is coming out in all parts of my life. I let the lies you projected on to me affect me and I should know better. I am so angry at myself for defending and explaining myself to you again. You always come back to this: how I make you feel stupid, degraded, unintelligent, small, dumb, and lacking just because of who I am. You always call me a smart ass (which would mean I am making sarcastic remarks regarding your intelligence or other personal issues) which I do not. You state I ask too many questions and that makes you angry. When I ask you which ones, you can't answer. When I ask you which statements I have made, you can tell me which one. When I ask for specific behaviors, you can't list one. You have also stated...
Before BTS, I believed dreams were best strangled before the world could get to them, but after finding Bangtan’s music and learning their story, I couldn’t help but fall in love with all seven members—and the ARMY that rallied around them. Our boys have shattered records and filled trophy cabinets with their genre-defying, thought-provoking, life-changing music—all in a language that many of us can only understand through subtitles. But it was a hard journey to the top, and their fight to be heard reminded me of someone else I love dearly: my younger sister has been a storyteller since she could talk. Over the past decade or so, she’s written several three-hundred-plus page books, with many more in the works: seven fully realized, wildly distinct worlds are fighting to get out of her...
Dear Grandma, I’ll be honest. I’m heartbroken. I could lie to you and tell you I’m okay, but I’m not, and I’ve been crying since you told me the news. It doesn’t seem real. You were doing so well, and then in the blink of an eye, everything changed. You were walking again and your cancer was responding well to the treatment just a few weeks earlier; you even told me, triumphantly, on the phone that you thought you were going to be walking without any assistance by June. Then, suddenly, on Thursday, you called to tell me that I probably should take off work on Friday because your doctor had some bad news to share with the family. He would tell us what we all had feared — the cancer is no longer responding to the treatment and there are no other good alternatives. Your disease is...
To my daughters father When we got back together things were great. You swept me off my feet. You told me how you wanted to get married and start a family. Everything I ever wanted with you. You told me how much you loved me and how you wanted me to take your last name. The first few weeks we great. It was how I always imagined us. Then... I found out I was pregnant. You were scared at first. You didn’t know what to say. Then you said you’d be there. Against my better judgement I believed you. We went on living our lives me pregnant and you doing what you always do. Then I went away with your daughter. My sweet girl and my friend and her kids. Everything seemed great. Until we got back. I found underwear in your bed. You cheated on me while I was away with your daughter. I tried to...
Hey, I don’t know what to say nor how to say it. But the feeling I have for you are misconstrued. I grew up the first 10 years of my life not knowing you existed. After you left when I was 3 months old and my two brothers were 5 and 7. I grew up thinking I had no father. You were kept hidden, or you just didn’t show yourself to me during the first 4 years of my life. Thankfully, I had a real dad, a father, show up and take care of my single mother and her three kids. But my brothers... they knew about you, they missed you and wondered where you went, but without any contact from you in those 4 years they couldn’t do anything except tell my mother they missed you. They wanted to see you, it just took 10 years for you to “want” to see them and me. I put want into quotation because we both...
As a mother of an 11 year old girl, and BTS fan since 2015, for a long time I didn’t take a lot of in depth notice to her love for BTS... Until “Love Yourself” launched. I was immediately drawn to the energy, passion and skills of these incredible 7 young men. I was hooked. And I started to understand why she was too. For years she’s been relentlessly bullied for her size, taste in clothes, hairstyle, artwork, love of singing and dancing, and mostly for her taste in music. Especially when it comes to BTS. Schools say they have a “zero tolerance” policy, but have never truly made an effort (except for a very few exceptional teachers) to stop it, or even address the bullying. Those very few teachers have shown her true kindness. But not many kids her age ever have....
Open Letter to Women giving their children up for adoption. First, thank you, I can not imagine the struggle emotionally and physically you are going through or went through making this decision. Your reasons are exactly that, your reasons, and you showed your love by making this choice. Second, as an adoptee, I want to assure you, very rarely will we hold a grudge. Often times we just want to know our background, others just want the answer to the question why. The struggle for the search is hard, exhausting and emotionally draining. All those who search are not looking for a relationship, some just want to know who they are, some want just medical history, others can be looking for relationships. I can only speak for me, Mom, Dad, you made the right decision, I had a...
I’m not always the best at telling you how I feel, but I wanted to try and express how much I appreciate everything you have done for me over the years, even when I made it incredibly difficult. I am so proud to be your son. It’s safe to say I had a difficult childhood, as several of the posts here have detailed. I hated having to go to school, dreaded the experiences I knew I would have there, but home was always an escape. You didn’t know what I was going through, through absolutely no fault of your own, but still you made sure I had a safe space at home, a place where I felt loved and supported and valued. Not having the courage to tell you about what was going on at school is one of my biggest regrets - I know now how amazing you would have been. However, instead you were faced...
Since I was a child, nobody wants me, nobody needs me and most especially, nobody loves me. If you'll tell me 'how about your family. For sure they love you', then sorry to break you thoughts but they don't. The only person that loved me, left me. My dad. He is my only bestfriend and a hero but unfortunately, he died. During my elementary years, my parents, specifically my mom wants to abort me. (Amazing right.) They don't want me in this world. They don't want me in their lives. But because of my Dad, I got a chance to see a beautiful world. When I heard their story, that's where my anxiety and depression starts. Every time they will scold me for no reason, I was thinking of killing my self. (Note: this happened when I was still a child) You know, I already have my suicidal thoughts...
Mom, I’m so glad you’ve finally found yourself again. Put the missing pieces of your mind back together, letting the crazy diminish after years of being on a mental “vacation.” I’m glad you’re back because I missed you, I missed the mom that did cartwheels down the soccer field after I scored the goals required usually winning us the game. I missed the mom who wore those god awful, themed vests to parties at school to show her support and excitement for her daughters. I missed the mom who felt like my mom and not my rebellious teenage daughter. I know you’re probably confused with what I’m saying, you were and remain oblivious to what was going on so I’m going to try and explain. The car accident really took its toll on your mind, bruising parts of you that we all loved stripping you...
