
I had a fraud stop on my credit card last night whilst trying to by car insurance. No big deal and certainly nothing that should have left me having a panic attack and nightmares, but it did. I called my credit card provider to confirm that it was me trying to make the transaction, and the normal checks started, name, date of birth, first line of address. Then came the question that left me struggling for breath “can you just confirm your previous surname for me”. I’ve recently left a very abusive relationship. My previously surname was not that of my abuser, but of my sons father. A name that over the 3 year long abusive relationship I dare not assosciate myself with for fear of backlash from my abusive partner. It took me a couple of seconds to realise I was free to answer the...
Dear rude customers at work, Y’all never seem to understand how frustrating it is to have to deal with you. After working at Pandora, for these past couple of months, I have been able to see the truly ugly side of all of you retail customers, and simply humans in general. It seems to be even worse, since I am working in Bellevue Square, where it is known for rich and privileged people. The amount of times I have had to hold my tongue from snapping back at a you is countless. There has really not been a work day that goes by, where someone at my work, doesn’t have to deal with someone as rude as yourself. I’m just sorry for you, that you have nothing better to do with your life, than complain about something so insignificant, like a bracelet not fitting correctly, or that you have to...
Voor aandeelhouders van Lavide Holding NV [“Lavide”] is het vrijwel geen dag saai. Zij worden overspoeld met mooie verhalen, weerspiegelingen en excuses veroorzaakt door het voltallig bestuur van Lavide. In vele persberichten zijn talloze verhalen de wereld in gebracht die vaak grenzen aan smaad. Zelfs in het jaarrapport van de vennootschap worden verhalen volgehouden, die door de rechter reeds naar het rijk der fabelen zijn verwezen. Om u straks op de BAVA een goede keus te kunnen laten maken, hierbij een aantal feiten en overwegingen. De feiten zijn gebaseerd op openbare bronnen en dus door u te verifiëren. De links naar deze documenten vindt u in de eindnoten, zodat u deze zelf kunt beoordelen. U wordt dan ook niet voorzien van vertrouwelijke informatie. De verwijten gemaakt aan...
It is nice to know that you company holds the value of human life in the lowest regard. The fact that a judgement against your company for destruction of evidence, perjury and misrepresentation of evidence does nothing except give the attorneys of Thompson and Coburn, Harlan Harla and Tom Jones further excuse to bill UPRR for services rendered in the destruction of my life surprises me very little. UPRR has spent in excess of two and a half million dollars arguing that the accident that occurred was my fault. The accident that has stolen from me the ability to work in any of my chosen fields because of the now lack of physical ability to do such work, the accident that has stolen much of my mental processing power, so much so that if recalled to active duty I would be unable to return to...
I like to say to all the media that cover Donald Trump & the WhiteHouse on every news related stories continue on doing what you do and that's present the stories as accurate and straight forward with the facts .their are people like me who wants true...
A Decade. It seems like an eternity, yet has gone by with a flash. What a ride it has been, like a roller coaster with plenty of ups and downs and filled with twists and turns. It hasn’t been easy. No one ever said that it would be. To the contrary, it takes a tremendous amount of effort, from both of us. Many faces have come and gone over the years. In this day and age that is more commonplace than exception. But here we are, ten years in, staring back at each other. We’ve shared in joy and pain, from births to deaths. We’ve had good days and not so good days together. Even so, we’ve been there through thick and thin. We’ve been committed. It never would have worked otherwise. Honesty, loyalty and communication all form the bedrock of what we have. Everything else is superficial...
The crucible, a story about a real-life witch hunt in Salem Mass. In colonial America. In the crucible women were falsely accused of witchcraft because a simple difference they are a woman, don’t go to church, aren’t married or don’t have children at a certain age. During these hunts, the “witches” were hanged. In the play women were inferior to men. Men in the time were seen as a godlier figure sent to protect the world from all evil. Women were seen as witches because of something different. My names Kylie, I’m 17 I’m a cashier at Hy-Vee, for those who have no idea what Hy-Vee is it’s a grocery store, with very little things special about it. Over the past 5-6 months of working at Hy-Vee I have come to notice a few things. Everything is being run by a man, we have one upfront...
As quoted in the Chicago Tribune, August 2017 "bigger voice than Donald Trump". Here is an opportunity for Chance The Rapper to prove just how big his voice is! UVNAmerica is asking Chance The Rapper for support in distributing a non-toxic, non-invasive and healing UVNA Light Therapy device to millions of HIV patients around the world. This state-of-the-art, sublingual, non-invasive UV light device is the first-ever developed and tested to successfully treat HIV. Between 2005-2007, UVNAmerica performed a clinical trial in which 18 HIV-positive patients used the UVNA Light Therapy Device daily. Over the course of the study, patients showed a 100 percent decrease in HIV in the body, with no relapse to date. Hundreds of success clinical tests have been performed with UV Light...
Mr. Schnatter you want to complain about your 3rd quarter sales of your pizza on the nfl protest particular (Blacks) athletes really maybe your pizza isn't as good as you...
An Open Letter to the Professional Audio, Touring and Live Event Industry (inspired by the women of animation and thousands upon thousands of women standing up worldwide) We, the women and gender non-conforming people of the professional audio, touring and live events industry, would like to address the pervasive problem of sexism and sexual harassment in our vocation. Our industry must start to address these widespread issues and create a blueprint for change. It is time to listen to our voices. Long before recent scandals, women and other marginalized groups in our industry have been discussing the issues of sexism, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. From sexist jokes, inappropriate touching, and threats of being blacklisted to actual criminal assault, we are extremely...
