An open letter of forgiveness to my absent father

Subject: An open letter of forgiveness to my absent father
Date: 28 Aug 2016

If there's anything that I've learned recently it is that it's much easier to pray for someone when they've done everything right. It's a much harder task to root for them when they are lost and confused. I spent my entire life bitter and angry at a man that I believed had no excuse for leaving me. It took me until only recently to realize that holding onto those feelings was only hurting myself. So instead of being angry and spiteful, from now on I choose to pray for those who have wounded me. I see how lost you are and I see how you hurt. I see how hard it must have been to know that your little girl despised you all these years. And so I choose to let go and forgive, for myself and also for you. I don't require an apology anymore. I don't require for you to make things right. Hell, I don't even require that you read this message. I'm a "big girl" now and I don't need that kind of validation. You taught me to do things on my own and you gave me a mom who showed me that no woman ever really needs a man. You gave me all the tools I need to handle my life head first, but most importantly, you gave me the tools to raise a son who will grow up to be an amazing man.
So instead of being angry now, I'd just like to say thank you and pray for you, even after years of not speaking. I pray that you will find the strength to get better not only physically but also mentally so that you can return to the little ones who still need you. I may have found my way on my own but there is no reason why they should have to too.

With a new found love,
Your ex little girl
